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GHL Systems Berhad


Annual report 2015


Explanatory Notes on Ordinary Business:


Ordinary Resolution 4 – Approval of the Directors’ Fees in respect of the Financial Year Ending 31

December 2016

The Board of Directors would like to propose the following monthly fees to be paid to the Directors for

the year ending 31 December 2016.

1. Datuk Kamaruddin Bin Taib


2. Fong Seow Kee


3. Brahmal a/l Vasudevan

RM8,000 *

4. Lim Sze Mei

RM8,000 *

* Brahmal a/l Vasudevan and Lim Sze Mei are waiving their rights to the proposed fees as they would

like to channel these funds back to the Group to fund the Group’s marketing activities.


Explanatory Notes on Special Business


Ordinary Resolution 6 - Authority to Issue Shares pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965

The Proposed Ordinary Resolution 6 is a renewal of the general mandate pursuant to Section 132D of

the Companies Act, 1965 (“General Mandate”) obtained from the shareholders of the Company at the

previous Annual General Meeting and, if passed, will empower the Directors of the Company to issue

new shares in the Company from time to time provided that the aggregate number of shares issued

pursuant to the General Mandate does not exceed 10% of the issued share capital of the Company

for the time being.

The General Mandate, unless revoked or varied by the Company in general meeting, will expire at the

conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.

As at the date of this Notice, no new shares in the Company were issued pursuant to the mandate

granted to the Directors at the Twenty-First Annual General Meeting held on 25 June 2015 and which

will lapse at the conclusion of the Twenty-Second Annual General Meeting.

The General Mandate will provide flexibility to the Company for any possible fund raising activities,

including but not limited to further placing of shares, for purpose of funding current and/or future

investment project(s), working capital, acquisition and/or for issuance of shares as settlement of

purchase consideration.


Ordinary Resolution 7 – Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back Authority

The proposed Ordinary Resolution 7, if passed, will provide a mandate for the Company to purchase its

own shares up to 10% of the issued and paid-up ordinary share capital of the Company and shall lapse

at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting unless authority for the approval is obtained from

the shareholders of the Company at a general meeting. Please refer to the Statement to Shareholders

in relation to the Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back Authority attached in the Annual Report 2015 of

the Company for further details.

iii. Special Resolution – Proposed Amendment to Articles of Association of The Company

The proposed Special Resolution, if passed, will give authority to amend its Articles of Association to be

aligned with the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities.

Notice of Twenty-Second

Annual General Meeting
