INSAGE FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM is designed to assist you in screening for stocks that meet your investment criteria based on fundamental analysis and share price volume data. More than 50 different criteria could be set and combined to filter out the specific stock that you want. Compare the filtered results with other companies and add additional data fields to review your search results. With a powerful stock screener, you will be able filter out the stocks that you want using the Insage Fundamental Analysis System.

Review the fundamental data and background of the company in detail before making your investment decision. Use ratio analysis to analyse stocks. Insage Fundamental Analysis System provides a comprehensive database of information on each public listed company listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, with data accumulated since 2006. Information available includes corporate information, income statement, balance sheet (statement of financial position), changes in equity, cash flow statement, segmental information, directors' profiles, ratio analysis, substantial shareholders' trades, historical share price and volume data, share buy-back history, etc.



Latest Articles
What is Fundamental Analysis? What is Fundamental Analysis?

Fundamental Analysis is the examination of the fundamentals of a company based on various quantitative and qualitative factors to attempt to derive its intrinsic value. By assessing the factors that affect a company's business and future prospects, fundamental analysis is conducted to help us form an opinion on the current business performance, financial position and cashflows of the company that we intend to invest in.

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Value Investing Value Investing

Investopedia explains Value Investing as the strategy of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic values. Value investors actively seek stocks of companies that they believe the market has undervalued. They believe the market overreacts to good and bad news, resulting in stock price movements that do not correspond with the company's long-term fundamentals. The result is an opportunity for value investors to profit by buying when the price is deflated.

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Financial Statements Financial Statements

Financial Statements are the statements that present a company’s financial performance and position for a particular period.  Financial statements are like report cards of a company that are presented to shareholders. 

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Featured companies
Malton Berhad Malton Berhad

Malton Berhad is a reputable integrated property developer in Malaysia. The Group’s core business activities comprise property development; and construction and project management. The property development division has established a solid presence in the local property sector having completed more than RM2 billion worth of various development projects in the country. Amongst the notable developments including the Bukit Rimau township, Li Villas condominiums, Pearl Villas, Mutiara Puchong and Menara Uni.Asia. Current and upcoming development projects of the Group comprise residential, commercial, retail and mixed developments located mainly in the high growth areas of Klang Valley, Penang and Johor.

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EITA Resources Berhad EITA Resources Berhad

EITA Resources Berhad is principally an investment holding company and provider of management services to our subsidiaries. Through our subsidiaries, we focus on three (3) main sectors namely E&E components and equipment, Elevator and Busduct systems. Within these sectors, our business activities are in the marketing and distribution of E&E components and equipment, design and manufacture of Elevator and Busduct systems. In addition, we are also supported by our other revenue streams in services namely maintenance of Elevator systems and provision of electrical and security system solutions as well as manufacture of E&E components and equipment namely Centralised Dimming Systems, Ballasts and connectors.

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China Stationery Limited China Stationery Limited

China Stationery Limited (Stock Code : CSL, 5214) is an integrated plastic stationery company with our own brands of plastic stationery products, proprietary products and technical know-how. Our products are sold under our own brands, namely, "SAKURA", "NACHI" and "FOLDERSYS". We design, manufacture and sell a broad assortment of more than 450 plastic filing and storage products such as expandable files, pocket files, pocket files with sheet protectors, compact disc holder files, business card holders and albums. We also have our own patented products. Currently, our plastic tape printer is our main proprietary and patented product.

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UOA Development Bhd UOA Development Bhd

UOA Development Bhd ("UOADEV") is one of the leading property developers in Kuala Lumpur and one of the few development companies in Malaysia that has a comprehensive integrated in-house development and construction capability which allows the company to execute its developments efficiently on a "fast-track basis".

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GHL Systems Berhad GHL Systems Berhad

GHL Systems Berhad (Main Market, Bursa Malaysia; Stock Code GHLSYS 0021; Bloomberg: GHLS:MK) is a leading payment solutions provider in the region, deploying world-class payment infrastructure, technology and services.

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Sinotop Holdings Berhad Sinotop Holdings Berhad

Sinotop Holdings Berhad acquired a new core business via a reverse takeover by a China-based fabric manufacturer Be Top Group Ltd., which is principally engaged in the production of customised woven loom-state fabrics made from cotton, synthetic and mixed yarn.

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Konsortium Logistik Berhad Konsortium Logistik Berhad

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Tenaga Nasional Berhad Tenaga Nasional Berhad

Tenaga Nasional Berhad is an electricity utility company, which is principally engaged in the business of the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity.

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Asia Media Group Berhad Asia Media Group Berhad

Asia Media Group Berhad and its subsidiary companies ("Group") is involved in the digital-out-of-home ("DOOH") transit media industry by infotainment, advertisements, contents, etc through the use of digital electronic displays installed in public transportation.

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Maxwell International Holdings Berhad Maxwell International Holdings Berhad

Maxwell International Holdings Berhad's wholly-owned subsidiary, Zhenxing Shoes, specialises in the design and manufacturing of sports shoes for domestic and overseas customers, which comprise mainly trading houses and brand distributors. The Maxwell Group manufactures sports shoes on an OEM basis and on an ODM basis.

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SCC Holdings Berhad SCC Holdings Berhad

SCC Holdings Berhad is principally an investment holding company and its principal subsidiary companies are Anitox (M) Sdn Bhd ("Anitox Malaysia") and SCC Corporation Sdn Bhd ("SCC Corporation").

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Kimlun Corporation Berhad Kimlun Corporation Berhad

Kimlun Corporation Berhad is an engineering and construction services provider specialising in infrastructure and building construction, project management, industrial building systems (IBS) and manufacture of concrete products.

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Minetech Resources Berhad Minetech Resources Berhad

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LNG Resources Berhad LNG Resources Berhad

LNG Resources Berhad provides precision engineering services to the connector, semiconductor and electrical and electronics industries. The Group comprises 2 main divisions, namely the Precision Engineering Division and the Precision Injection Moulding Division.

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Ni Hsin Resources Berha Ni Hsin Resources Berhad

Ni Hsin Resources Berhad is the only manufacturer of premium multi-ply stainless steel cookware, clad metals and stainless steel convex mirrors in Malaysia. Our Group's premium cookware business was established in 1991 when our founders, the Hsiao Family, transferred their cookware manufacturing business from Taiwan to Malaysia.

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Kumpulan H&L High-Tech Berhad Kumpulan H&L High-Tech Berhad

Kumpulan H&L High-Tech Berhad involved in manufacturing and sale of precision engineering moulds, dies, jigs, fixtures, tools, precision machine parts and customised precision engineering plastic injection moulded thermoplastic and etc.

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Frontken Corporation Berhad Frontken Corporation Berhad

Frontken Corporation Berhad's comprehensive range of services increases the efficiency and extends the lifespan of machinery and equipment, therefore improving the customer's cost effectiveness in machinery operation and maintenance.

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Excel Force MSC Berhad provides stockbroking and Internet stock trading solutions to the stockbroking and financial services industry. With fifteen (15) years of experience in offering business solutions and services to commercial banks, investment banks and stockbroking companies.

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