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GHL Systems Berhad


Annual report 2015

Statement on

Corporate Governance

The Board is constantly mindful of safeguarding the interests of shareholders in discharging its stewardship and

duties. Followings are the Board’s core responsibilities:

• Review and approve the Group’s strategic plan to build a sustainable business.

• Oversee and evaluate the Group’s business conduct, including the smooth functioning of core processes.

• Identify principal risks and ensure implementation of appropriate systems and processes to manage these


• Monitor succession planning, including appointing, training, fixing the compensation of and, where

appropriate, replacing key management.

• Maintain an effective investor relations programme.

• Review the adequacy and integrity of the Group’s internal control systems.

The Board has delegated certain responsibilities to dedicated Board Committees with clear Terms of Reference

to discharge these responsibilities more effectively.

Code of Conduct and Whistle-Blowing Policy

The Board acknowledges and emphasises the importance for all Directors to embrace the highest standards of

corporate governance practices and ethical standards.

In view of this, the Board has formalised ethical standards and systems of compliance through the Company’s

code of conduct. These codes are aimed to emphasise the Company’s commitment to ethics and compliance

with applicable laws and regulations, use of confidential information and retention of records.

The Board has also established a Whistle-Blowing Policy that enables any employee of the Group to bring to

the attention of the Board any concerns regarding integrity and misconduct. Procedures are also in place for

investigations and appropriate follow-up actions.

Information for the Board

Board papers are provided to the Directors in a timely manner prior to the Board meeting to enable them to

obtain further explanations, where necessary. These reports provide information on the Group’s performance

and major operational, financial and corporate issues. The Board has unrestricted access to the Group Chief

Executive Officer (“CEO”), Group Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) and senior management and all information

on the affairs of the Group. The Management is obliged to supply all relevant information relating to the business

and operations of the Group and governance matters at the request of the Board.

The Directors also have full and unrestricted access to the advice and services of Internal Audit Function, External

Auditors and Company Secretary. Members of the Board may collectively or individually consult advisers and,

where necessary, seek external and independent professional advice and assistance from experts to carry out

to their duties.

Company Secretary for the Board

The Board is supported by the Company Secretary who facilitates overall compliance with the MMLR and

Companies Act, 1965 and other relevant laws and regulations. The Company Secretary attends all Board and

Board Committee meetings to ensure that meetings are properly convened, that accurate and proper records

of the proceedings and resolutions passed are taken and maintained accordingly.

Removal of Company Secretary, if any, is a matter for the Board to decide collectively.