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GHL Systems Berhad


Annual report 2015


Dialogue between the Company and Investors

The Company values dialogue with investors and recognises the importance of being transparent and

accountable to its shareholders. Effective communication with shareholders provides a better appreciation of

the Company’s objectives, while also makes the Management more aware of the expectations and concern

of the shareholders.

As such, the Company adheres strictly to the disclosure requirements under Bursa’s MMLR to announce results of

the Group quarterly via Bursa Link and material transactions and events accordingly. Investor information of the

Company, the Annual Report, financial results, Board Charter and terms of reference of Board Committees can

be accessed on the Company’s website at

Mr Fong Seow Kee, the ARC and NRC Chairman, is the Board appointed Senior Independent Non-Executive

Director. He is available to investors who have concerns that cannot be addressed through the Chairman and


Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)

The AGM is the principal forum for dialogue with the shareholders. At each AGM, the Board presents to the

shareholders, the performance of the business for the financial year. All Directors are available to respond to

shareholders’ questions during the AGM.

Each special business included in the notice of AGM will be accompanied by a full explanation of the effects of

a proposed resolution to facilitate understanding and evaluation of the issues involved. Separate resolution are

proposed for separate issues at the meeting and the Chairman declares the number of proxy votes received

both for and against each separate resolution.

The Board takes note of the recommendation 8.2 by MCCG on the adoption of electronic voting and encourage

poll voting to facilitate greater shareholder participation. The Board is of the view that with the current level of

shareholders’ attendance at AGMs, voting by way of a show of hands continues to be efficient. However, for

agenda that requires poll voting in accordance to listing rules, the Board will inform shareholders in advance

and poll voting will be conducted manually. Nevertheless, the shareholders will be informed on their right to

demand a poll vote at the commencement of general meeting and voting by way of poll voting will be carried

out if required by Bursa’s MMLR and other relevant rules and regulations.

The Board has deliberated, reviewed and approved this Statement in accordance with Board’s Resolution

dated 29th March 2016.

Statement on

Corporate Governance