Distribution of Shareholdings

Distribution of Shareholdings as at 05/04/2024
NoSize of ShareholdingsNo. of Shareholders% of ShareholdersNo. of Shares% of Shareholdings
11 – 99251.674120.00
2100 – 1,00033322.30181,9650.01
31,001 – 10,00046230.942,088,3800.12
410,001 – 100,00023015.418,357,9600.47
5100,001 to less than 5% of issued shares44229.601,658,007,67593.70
65% and above of issued shares10.07100,777,3005.70
(a) Excluding a total of 750,300 shares bought-back by the Company and retained as treasury shares as at 5 April 2023.