Policy Disclosures

The Board of Directors of ENRA Group Berhad is committed to ensuring that high standards of corporate governance principles and practices are applied throughout the Company and its subsidiaries as a fundamental part of discharging its responsibilities to safeguard shareholders’ investments and protect the interests of all stakeholders.

Gifts and Hospitality Reporting Guidelines

Conflict of Interest Policy For Directors and Key Senior Managment

Sustainability (ESG) Policy

Directors' Fit & Proper Policy

Investor Relations/Stakeholder Communications Policy

Anti Corruption Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Vendor Code of Conduct

Statement On Risk Management And Internal Control

Diversity Policy

Directors' Code of Ethics

Corporate Governance Report

Corporate Governance Overview Statement


Code of Business Conduct

Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Board Charter

Audit, Risk Management and Sustainability Committee

Employee Share Scheme Committee