Insage Fundamental Analysis System

INSAGE Fundamental Analysis System enables you to analyse and review key information about a public listed company such as its historical financial performance, ratio analysis, management background, insider trades, share price-volume history and its latest announcements and news, and benchmark its performance against its competitors and markets. INSAGE Fundamental Analysis System enables you to critically look at the fundamental data that drives the value of a particular company.

The INSAGE Fundamental Analysis System provides a comprehensive set of data to enable an investor to make informed decisions. Our system consists of the following 13 sections:

Corporate Information
Chairman’s Statement
Industry Peers
Segmental Information
Ratio Analysis
Share Price Volume
Share Buy Back
Announcements to Exchange


Investors can view the Top 30 shareholders and also the substantial shareholders' shareholdings since FY2006.  Details of the substantial shareholders' trades are also tracked. The Distribution of Shareholdings is also documented.


Due to the data being captured in our system, you can filter for stocks connected to a particular top 30 shareholder or director. For example, key in Richard and search for all stocks connected to Richard.