Insage Fundamental Analysis System
INSAGE Fundamental Analysis System enables you to analyse and review key information about a public listed company such as its historical financial performance, ratio analysis, management background, insider trades, share price-volume history and its latest announcements and news, and benchmark its performance against its competitors and markets. INSAGE Fundamental Analysis System enables you to critically look at the fundamental data that drives the value of a particular company.
The INSAGE Fundamental Analysis System provides a comprehensive set of data to enable an investor to make informed decisions. Our system consists of the following 13 sections:
Financial statements are the key documents reviewed and analysed by investors.
Insage Fundamental Analysis System provides 5 key financial statements for review, namely:
- Income Statement
- Comprehensive Income
- Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position)
- Shareholders' Equity
- Cash Flow Statement
Insage Fundamental Analysis System has created standardised templates to facilitate cross comparisons between companies. There are 3 different templates – Corporate, Bank and Insurance. The Corporate template is the most utilised template as it covers most the listed companies in diverse businesses. The Bank and Insurance template will cover the specialised financial industries of banking and insurance.
The Financial Statements are segregated into Annual, Period and Quarterly statements. Investors can view the Financial Statement in different perspectives – the Annual for the 12 month audited view, Period for the 3,6,9 and 12 months' unaudited view, and individual quarter's unaudited financial data.
Users of our System can further sort information in the following way:
- Quarter Last 4 Quarters - Last 4 individual quarters' information in a single page
- Period Trailing 4 Quarters – The Trailing 4 Quarters' accumulated results are posted here so that users need not add up the last 4 quarters' results themselves.
- Have Quarterly and Period Results sorted by Financial Year
- Stack the individual quarter results by Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 to establish past trend in the respective quarters from previous years
Users can view the information in multi-currency as INSAGE will use the month end exchange rate (Source: Bank Negara Malaysia/Central Bank of Malaysia) to translate the information to other currency formats.
View the financial information in Chinese Yuan, Ringgit Malaysia, Singapore Dollar, Thai Baht, Taiwanese New Dollar and United States Dollar.