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GHL Systems Berhad


Annual report 2015

Nomination and Remuneration

Committee Report

4. Facilitate Board discussion on key management’s annual appraisal results

The renewal of CEO’s service contract was made during FY 2015. In facilitating this, the NRC considered

the CEO’s contributions, achievements and deliverables for the past year. In accordance with its TOR, the

NRC would also consider and recommend to the Board of the remuneration packages, together with the

detailed fringe benefits and Executive Share Scheme (“ESS”).

5. Review Board’s service contract and succession plan.

The Committee reviewed each Executive Director’s service contract based on the BoardCharter’s guideline

and their respective contribution to the Group. As noted above, the Committee recommended to renew

the service contract of the CEO, which had expired during the financial year, for two years. The tenure of

each contract is for a maximum continuous period of three years, consistent with the Board Charter.

The Committee also reviewed the succession plan of key management based on the individual’s willingness

to continue and necessity. The Committee was satisfied with current succession planning.

6. Review induction and training needs of directors.

The Committee reviewed and recommended the necessary training suitable for individual director based

on annual assessment result, skill sets and past training record. The Committee concluded that all Directors

have received sufficient and appropriate training during FY 2015 that is relevant and would serve to

enhance their effectiveness in the Board and the Board Committees. The details of the Directors’ training

are set out on page 30 to 31.

7. Review nomination and election process.

The Committee has reviewed the nomination and election process and established a clear and transparent

nomination and election policy:

• The Committee could outsource director candidate search to professional firms to ensure that a

diverse range of candidates are considered or accept recommendations by any Board member but

the Committee should not be influenced by major controlling / dominant shareholders or the CEO /

executive directors.

• The director candidate should be interviewed by the Board Chairman and the NRC Chairman, and

should meet all Board members.

• The number of director candidates recommended by the nominating committee should be greater

than the available board seats, where possible.

• Newly appointed Directors are subject to election by shareholders at the first Annual General Meeting

(“AGM”) after their appointment.

• At least one-third (1/3) of the remaining Directors be subject to re-election by rotation at each AGM

and all directors shall retire from office at least once every three (3) years. The Directors retiring from

office shall be eligible for re-election by the shareholders.

• An independent director who had served on the Board for a period of nine years or more shall submit a

Declaration of Independence if she or he wishes to continue to serve as an Independent Director. NRC

shall consider the re-appointment based on the Declaration of Independence, assessment criteria and

guidelines set out in the policy and make the appropriate recommendation to the Board. This is also

subject to re-election by shareholder in the next AGM.