GHL Systems Berhad Annual Report 2014 - page 12

Annual report 2014
The GHL Group’s performance for the year ended 31
December 2014 saw group turnover grew +158% yoy
to RM164.93 million (2013 – RM64.03m). Pretax profits
grew 239% to RM11.12 million compared to RM3.28
million a year ago and 2014 pretax margins were
6.7%, an improvement over 2013’s pretax margins of
5.1%. The improved profitability were in part driven
by the consolidation of e-pay’s revenues from March
2014 onwards.
Net profit after tax growth however was less but still
grew at +23.3% yoy to RM6.37 million (2013 – RM5.17m).
Net profit growth was lower compared to turnover
growth due higher taxation charges in 2014 (positive
taxation in 2013 due to deferred tax) as well as higher
operational costs and investments incurred as the
Group geared up for the launch of Transactional
Payment Acquisition (“TPA”) in Malaysia, Philippines
and Thailand.
i) Completion of the acquisition of e-pay Asia
On 21 February 2014, the offer to acquire the
shares in e-pay Asia Limited, a company listed
on the Australian Securities Exchange became
unconditional as all conditions were fulfilled. GHL
commenced the compulsory acquisition of the
remaining e-pay shares not owned by GHL in
accordance with the Corporation Act. A total
of 150.6 million new GHL shares were issued to
the shareholders of e-pay Asia Limited from this
acquisition exercise.
ii) Bonus Issue – October 2014
On 20 August 2014, the Group announced a
(1:2) bonus issue of ordinary shares which was
completed on 31 October and this resulted in
the issuance of an additional 213.3 million new
ordinary shares to shareholders.
As the result of the above events and the shares
issued under the Executive Share Scheme
(“ESS”), GHL Systems Berhad’s issued and paid up
share capital has strengthen to RM128.3 million
comprising of 641.6 million ordinary shares of
RM0.20 each as at 31 December 2014.
As a responsible payment solutions enabler in the
country,GHL is committed tohelpand joinadvocacies
that benefit the underprivileged members of the
Last 2014, GHL Systems Philippines partnered with
Children’s Joy Foundation, a non-profit organisation
that provides programs and services for children
who are abandoned and orphaned. GHL Systems
Philippines believes that educating children on good
hygiene is thebest way toavoid the spreadof diseases.
GHL launched the program called,
on July 5, 2014. The program aims to
enhance the awareness of proper hygiene and also
to promote healthier lifestyle habits for the Children’s
Joy Foundation. GHL Systems Philippines had given a
short lecture on the importance of taking care of our
teeth, haircare, as well as a short workshop on proper
brushing of teeth and proper hand washing. GHL
Systems Philippines also prepared a short art activity
for the children to enjoy. As part of the program, GHL
Systems Philippines distributed hygiene kits and also
donated some old books, toys, shoes, clothes and
musical instruments for the children.
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