Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

122 123 Annual Report 2021 TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD SUSTAINABILITY AT TROPICANA Tropicana as a Group, champions the development of our workforce by encouraging a culture of continuous learning and fair practices. To create a thriving workplace, our focus is set on preserving the health and safety of our stakeholders at all times, especially throughout the course of this pandemic, across all our operating areas. We also remain dedicated to realising our aspirations to delivering quality products and providing exemplary services to our customers. To this effect, key measures were undertaken to monitor customer satisfaction and gain valuable feedback on evolving consumer demands on properties in which they wish to own or invest in. The Group also extended generous assistance to local communities in FY2021 via our charity channel – Tropicana Foundation. Donations and other contributions were allocated based on our commitment to uplift education and healthcare status in Malaysia. Materiality Matter Importance to Tropicana Management Approach Applicable UNSDGs Reference to GRI Standards Specific Topics Products & Services Responsibility (Social) To continuously improve the quality of our deliverables and enhance services that exceed the expectations of our customers Create quality deliverables to enhance brand reputation as well as benefit homeowners and the surrounding community • • GRI 102: General Disclosures • • GRI 418: Customer Privacy Employee Management To develop a healthy and productive workforce that represents the Group in an exemplary manner while achieving job satisfaction Encourage a harmonious and fair working environment for employees to create value within our workforce • • GRI 401: Employment • • GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity Talent Development To enhance the employability of our workforce and provide value-added service to our stakeholders Encourage a culture of continuous learning to develop a formidable workforce that is highly knowledgeable of the property market and provide excellent customer service • • GRI 404: Training and Education Occupational Safety & Health To protect the wellbeing of our workforce and ensure the safety of all stakeholders are maintained Implement measures to strengthen the culture and awareness of occupational safety and health among our stakeholders • • GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety Contractor Management To engage with contractors with values and principles that align with the Group in producing an output that meets the demand and expectations of the market Adopt clear and transparent practices between the Group and our contractors to promote efficient contract management that facilitates a beneficial working relationship • • GRI 102: General Disclosures Community Engagement To encourage the culture of giving-back while endorsing harmonious living that uplifts the wellbeing of the community Share the wealth and prosperity of the Group with local communities in which we operate • • GRI 413: Local Communities 2 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Quality Assurance Tropicana remains consistent in our commitment to upholding the quality of our products and services that meet stakeholders expectations. Ingrained in our Tropicana DNA, quality excellence extends beyond the products we create to include the services we provide, operational performance and construction practices at our project sites. Essential to ensure customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, maintaining quality performance also promotes cost and operational efficiencies that ultimately reduces wastage of resources and manpower throughout the construction phase of our projects. To achieve this, we adopt the Improvement Cycle – a series of steps and actions that facilitates the continuous assessment of our products and operations to enhance value creation for our stakeholders. Quality Management Guidelines To guide our approach to quality management, we subscribe to a series of manuals and guidelines that align with the Group’s standards on product and service quality. Our in-house Quality Assurance (“QA”) department plays an integral role in establishing and enforcing the Group’s Quality Management Systems, Quality Manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) that cater to different business functions throughout Tropicana. Our unwavering efforts is further bolstered by the ISO 9001:2015 certification that we received as a result of sound management practices towards achieving quality standards that are acceptable to the Group and our stakeholders. Maintaining Quality Throughout Construction As a responsible developer, we regularly assess the performance of our suppliers, consultants and contractors for their quality of service and product delivery. This measure helps to minimise construction wastage by managing defect works and provide assurance to our customers on the value of their purchase. Contractors and Suppliers Quality Measures Project Construction Quality Measures • • Yearly performance evaluation of new and existing suppliers with annual accumulative purchases above a specified amount • • Quarterly performance evaluation of contractors and consultants engaged by the Group • • Yearly monitoring to ensure 85% of suppliers appointed by the Group’s projects achieve a Grade C and above in their performance based on internal benchmarking • • Yearly monitoring to ensure 50% of contractors and consultants appointed by the Group achieve a Grade B and above in their performance based on internal benchmarking • • Monthly Project Quality Audit (“PQA”) • • Quarterly internal QLASSIC assessment subject to progress of projects • • Contractors are required to conduct in Quality Benchmark Training (“QBT”) to ensure good quality workmanship • • Regular Contractor Quality Briefing (“CQB”) provided by QA team upon the commencement of a project • • Conduct Pre Delivery Inspection (“PDI”) before project vacant possession (“VP”) • • Challenges encountered throughout project construction phase is addressed during project meetings to ensure monitoring, action plans and prevention measures are in place Identify Opportunities for Improvements Monitor Returns Audit Implement Changes IMPROVEMENT CYCLE