Price Ticker

Stock Name / Code   :  

Rhone Ma Holdings Bhd

RHONEMA - 5278

Main Market
Consumer Products & Services
Shariah Compliance
Price (RM)   0.675
Change (RM) -
Change % -
Previous Close (RM) 0.675
Open (RM) 0.665
Day's High (RM) 0.675
Day's Low (RM) 0.665
52 Weeks High (RM) 0.730
52 Weeks Low (RM) 0.635
52 Weeks % 0
Volume Traded 7,200
Value Traded (RM) 4,838
No. of Shares Issued 221,226,000
Shares per Lot 100
Market Capitalisation (RM) 149,327,550

All Prices Are Quoted In Ringgit Malaysia
IR System By Insage (MSC) Sdn Bhd (734861-D)

Quotes Last Updated : 26/07/2024 End Of Day
Quotes Supplied By Excel Force MSC Berhad (570777-X)
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