Gender : Male
Nationality : Malaysian
Age : 45
Date of appointment : 15 January 2014
He is responsible for our Group’s project deliveries and post-sales customer service.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Communication and Information Technology) from Edith Cowan University,
Western Australia in October 2003.
Working Experience:
In April 2001, he joined Sdn. Bhd. as a Software Developer responsible for the analysis, design
and development of systems. He implemented an alternative CA system for the company using EJBCA software which
allowed the company to target new markets segments. In May 2008, he joined SignCharge Sdn. Bhd. as Vice President
of Technology responsible for assisting the company to adopt mobile PKI technology as its core business offering in
In January 2011, he joined SignCharge Ltd (parent company of SignCharge Sdn. Bhd.) and was based in Beijing, China
for 2 years as Chief Technology Officer responsible for the adaptation, integration and implementation of mobile PKI
technology for telecommunication companies in Hong Kong, Macau and China.
In January 2014, he joined Securemetric Malaysia as Vice President of Project Management and Support. In the same
year, he obtained a certification for Project Management Professional from Project Management Institute, USA and
Project Leadership from PIKOM, Malaysia. Besides overseeing the project management team, he also personally
pitched and won 4 overseas PKI projects for our Group.
Present Directorship in Public Company and Listed Entity:
- No family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the Group.
- No conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest, including any interest in any competing business with the Company and its subsidiaries.
- No conviction of offences within the last five (5) years other than traffic offences, if any.
- No public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year.