Key Management Team

Datuk Lim Yew Piau

Chairman, Non-Independent Executive Director
Aged 47, Male, Malaysian

Datuk Lim Yew Piau was appointed to the Board of TPC Plus Berhad on 8 March 2012 and re-designated as Chairman of the Board with effect from 1 June 2023. He is also a director of all the subsidiaries of the Company.

Datuk Lim Yew Piau has over 20 years of poultry farming experience and knowledge. Datuk Lim undertook various positions in operating, purchasing, sales and marketing divisions before being promoted to the current position. Presently, he is tasked to assist the organization in streamlining its operations and to oversee the logistic, marketing and distribution of eggs and feeds to customers.

Datuk Lim Yew Piau is a brother of Mr Lim Yew Kwang and of all the directors of Huat Lai Resources Berhad, a substantial shareholder of the Company. He is also an uncle to Ms Lim Chian Harn.

Lim Yew Kwang

Managing Director
Aged 50, Male, Malaysian

Mr Lim Yew Kwang was appointed to the Board of TPC Plus Berhad on 8 March 2012 and re-designated as Managing Director effective from 1 June 2023. He is also a director of all the subsidiaries of the Company and a member of the Risk Management Committee.

Mr Lim Yew Kwang has over 25 years of poultry farming experience and knowledge. Mr. Lim Yew Kwang gains vast experience through direct involvement in various farm projects and has been leading the management team on the day-to-day operations of the Company. Currently, he is primarily responsible for managing the various aspects of the farm operation and flock health and for developing strategic plans of the Company’s current projects and expansion plans.

Mr Lim Yew Kwang is a brother of Datuk Lim Yew Piau and of all the directors of Huat Lai Resources Berhad, a substantial shareholder of the Company. He is also an uncle to Ms Lim Chian Harn.

Lim Chian Harn

Finance Manager
Aged 34, Female, Malaysian

Ms Lim Chian Harn was appointed to the Board of TPC Plus Berhad on 1 June 2023. She is also a member of the Risk Management Committee.

Ms Lim Chian Harn graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK with an Accounting and Finance degree.

Ms Lim Chian Harn started her career in TPC Plus Berhad in 2014 as Finance Executive responsible for the preparation of reports, monitor financial records and coordinate the daily accounting procedures of the Company. With her knowledge and commitment, she had headed and successfully completed the regularisation plan and several expansion plans of the Company over the years.

Ms Lim Chian Harn was promoted to Finance Manager of TPC Group in 2022 and is currently involved in strategic planning, compliance, internal audits and business improvement initiatives of the Company and Group. She is also engaged in the management of the Group’s poultry farming activities and therefore has the experience in the poultry farming sector.

Ms Lim Chian Harn is a niece of Mr Lim Yew Kwang and Datuk Lim Yew Piau.

Ms Lim Chian Harn is also the daughter of Mr Lim Yeow Her and a niece of Mr Lim Yeow Kian and Datuk Wira Lim Yeow Siong, all of whom have an indirect interest in TPC Plus Berhad through Huat Lai Resources Berhad, a substantial shareholder of TPC Plus Berhad.

Lim Yew Chua

Project Manager
Aged 57, Male, Malaysian

Mr Lim Yew Chua joined TPC Group since 2012. Mr Lim has over 30 years of poultry farming experience and knowledge. Mr Lim took several senior leadership roles in strategising and overseeing the Group’s development throughout the years. He is also proficient in construction and managerial roles. Currently, he is primarily responsible in the overall development and construction of farm houses and various projects in the Group.

Mr Lim Yew Chua is a brother of Mr Lim Yew Kwang, Datuk Lim Yew Piau and all the directors of Huat Lai Resources Berhad, a substantial shareholder of the Company. He is also an uncle to Ms Lim Chian Harn. Mr Lim has no conviction of any offences within the past five (5) years, or any sanctions and penalties imposed by relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

Cham Chee Song

Feedmill Manager
Aged 40, Male, Malaysian

Mr Cham Chee Song joined TPC Group in 2017. Prior to joining TPC Group, he has worked in the poultry farming sector for nearly 20 years. Mr Cham is currently in charge of the company’s feed production planning and performance monitoring as well as the in-process and outgoing quality control of the raw materials and feeds.

Mr Cham is the cousin of Ms Lim Chian Harn. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company. Mr Cham has no conviction of any offences within the past five (5) years, or any sanctions and penalties imposed by relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

Lim Chin Yoong

Senior Grading Store Supervisor
Aged 38, Male, Malaysian

Mr Lim Chin Yoong joined TPC Group in 2014. Mr Lim has held various positions since he joined TPC Group and raised from rank and file to his current position. Mr Lim is currently in charge of the day-to-day operation and management at the egg grading store. He also oversees the sales and distribution management to ensure that the Company achieve its sales target and that all egg deliveries are on schedule.

Mr Lim is the nephew of Datuk Lim Yew Piau and Mr Lim Yew Kwang. Mr Lim is also the cousin of Ms Lim Chian Harn. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company. He does not have any conviction of any offences within the past five (5) years, or any sanctions and penalties imposed by relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

Arshad Aziz Abdullah

Farm Manager
Aged 59, Male, Malaysian

Encik Arshad Aziz Abdullah joined TPC Group in 2021. Mr Arshad graduated from Universiti Pertanian Malaysia in 1988 with a Diploma in Animal Health and Production. Prior to joining TPC Group, he began his career with various poultry farming companies as the veterinary and farm manager. Mr Arshad has accumulated more than 30 years of experience in poultry management. He is currently responsible for managing the various aspects of the layer farm’s operation and monitoring the health and production performance of the flocks. He also oversees the maintenance of all the machineries and equipment in the farms.

Encik Arshad does not have any family relationship with any Directors/major shareholder of the Company. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company. Mr Arshad has no conviction of any offences within the past five (5) years, or any sanctions and penalties imposed by relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

Foo Shi Jing

Account Manager
Aged 32, Male, Malaysian

Mr Foo Shi Jing joined TPC Group in 2018. Mr Foo graduated with an Advanced Diploma in Commerce (Financial Accounting) from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Kuala Lumpur. Prior to joining TPC Group, he started his career as an audit associate and worked his way up to become the audit senior before joining the Group in 2018. During his tenure in the field of auditing, he gained vast exposure and experience being involved in audits, tax, audit investigation, accounting, due diligence and corporate advisory works. His portfolio of clients ranged from small and medium sized enterprises, manufacturing companies, trading, property developers, public listed companies and large multinational companies. Mr Foo then started his career path with the Group as an account executive and was subsequently promoted as the account manager.

Presently, Mr Foo oversees the financial management of TPC Group. He is responsible for managing the accounting, taxation, the preparation and the reporting of financial as well as the non-financial related matters of TPC Group.

Mr Foo does not have any family relationship with any Directors/major shareholder of the Company. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company. Mr Foo does not have any conviction of any offences within the past five (5) years, or any sanctions and penalties imposed by relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2023.