Yinson Annual Report 2021

131 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL STAKEHOLDER GROUP FREQUENCY AND METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT MORE INFORMATION S7 Investors and shareholders t :&"3-: "OOVBM 3FQPSUT "(.T t 26"35&3-: "/% #"4&% 0/ /&&% "OBMZTU CSJFmOHT press releases t %"*-: *OWFTUPS 3FMBUJPOT XFC QPSUBM :JOTPO XFCTJUF BOE social media, regular engagement, communication and dialogue t 3&(6-"3-: *OWFTUPS DPOGFSFODFT POF PO POF engagements t #"4&% 0/ /&&% &YUSBPSEJOBSZ (FOFSBM .FFUJOHT circulars Financial Capital, pg 82; Investors and shareholders, pg 135 S8 Local Communities t %"*-: :JOTPO XFCTJUF BOE TPDJBM NFEJB t 3&(6-"3-: $43 BDUJWJUJFT FOHBHFNFOU XJUI MPDBM vendors, local trainee programmes, press releases, community development programmes Covid-19: Yinson's new normal, pg 69; Local workforce, pg 122; Corporate Social Responsibility, pg 136; Local student development initiatives, pg 140; Engagement with local vendors, pg 142; S9 Partners t #"4&% 0/ /&&% 4JUF WJTJUT TUBLFIPMEFS FOHBHFNFOU event (sYnergy), collaboration on announcements and press releases t %"*-: 3FHVMBS FOHBHFNFOU DPNNVOJDBUJPO BOE EJBMPHVF Financial Capital, pg 82; Partners, pg 141 S10 Vendors/ suppliers t %"*-: 731 :JOTPO XFCTJUF BOE TPDJBM NFEJB SFHVMBS engagement, communication and dialogue t 3&(6-"3-: 4VQQMJFS BOE JOEVTUSZ DPOGFSFODFT t #"4&% 0/ /&&% 5FOEFST BOE SFRVFTUT GPS QSPQPTBMT TJUF visits, vendor audit ESG integration into procurement practices, pg 107; Vendor Registration Platform, pg 111; Vendors/ suppliers, pg 141 BANKERS AND LENDERS Initiating, building, and maintaining strong relationships with our bankers and lenders is imperative to continue our journey as a leading global energy infrastructure and technology company. Despite the many challenges Covid-19 brought along over the past year, we maximised our efforts to maintain and improve current relationships, while initiating new ones. Key engagements in FYE 2021 include: t 7JSUVBM TJHOJOH DFSFNPOZ XJUI BMM MFOEFST TVQQPSUJOH UIF USD400 million bridge loan facility raised to support FPSO Anna Nery. t 'BDJMJUBUFE ZBSE WJTJUT GPS UIF BEWJTPST PG UIF MFOEFST GPS UIFJS evaluation of participating in the project finance facility for FPSO Anna Nery. t &TUBCMJTIFE TFWFSBM OFX SFMBUJPOTIJQT XJUI CBOLT GPDVTFE on sustainable and green lending to better align our fundraising strategy with Yinson’s Core Values. Yinson hopes to secure green bond financing or a facility of a similar nature for the purpose of propelling Yinson’s Renewables Division forward in both existing and new markets. t &OHBHFE BOE FYQBOEFE PVS OFUXPSL PG MPDBM MFOEFST JO UIF Indian market to optimise the debt at the project company of our existing 140MW solar plants, Rising Bhadla 1&2. t *OJUJBUFE GVOESBJTJOH GPS :JOTPO T TFDPOE SFOFXBCMFT QSPKFDU in India, a 190MW grid-connected solar plant in Nokh Solar Park, receiving great interest from our long-term relationship banks to support our sustainability journey. t 5P NBJOUBJO SFMBUJPOTIJQT XJUI PVS QSJODJQBM CBOLFST and lenders, our in-country teams have locally engaged in safe-distanced physical meetings to ensure that our engagements are not solely done via virtual communication. We believe that human interaction is still the best way to interact and communicate.