Yinson Annual Report 2021

130 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL Our Social & Relationships Capital consists of our relationships with our stakeholders and aims to strengthen our bonds of trust with society. It leverages off shared values and behaviours, and provides us with our social license to operate. YINSON’S STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT STAKEHOLDER GROUP FREQUENCY AND METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT MORE INFORMATION S1 Bankers and lenders t %"*-: :JOTPO XFCTJUF BOE TPDJBM NFEJB t 3&(6-"3-: 0OF PO POF FOHBHFNFOUT DPNNVOJDBUJPO and dialogue t #"4&% 0/ /&&% 3PBE TIPXT TJUF WJTJUT TUBLFIPMEFS engagement event (sYnergy) Financial Capital, pg 82; Bankers and lenders, pg 131 S2 Clients t .0/5)-: .JMFTUPOF NFFUJOHT BOE VQEBUFT t %"*-: 4DIFEVMFE SFQPSUT :JOTPO XFCTJUF BOE TPDJBM NFEJB t 3&(6-"3-: $MJFOU GPSVNT BOE FWFOUT TJUF WJTJUT t #"4&% 0/ /&&% ,JDL PGG NFFUJOHT FOHBHFNFOU communication and dialogue Covid-19: Yinson's new normal, pg 69; Manufactured Capital, pg 98; Clients, pg 132 S3 Crew t :&"3-: "OOVBM 0GmDFS T $POGFSFODF t 26"35&3-: (SPVQ XJEF UPXO IBMMT t .0/5)-: 4IJQCPBSE TBGFUZ NFFUJOHT t %"*-: $PSQPSBUF JOUSBOFU :/FU PO UIF KPC MFBSOJOH BOE communication t 3&(6-"3-: $SFX BDUJWJUJFT USBJOJOH BOE EFWFMPQNFOU programmes, Safety Culture Transformation Programme, Management visits, inspections Covid-19: Yinson's new normal, pg 69; Offshore health and safety, pg 125 S4 Employees t :&"3-: &NQMPZFF FOHBHFNFOU TVSWFZ t #*"//6"- &NQMPZFF QFSGPSNBODF SFWJFX t 26"35&3-: (SPVQ XJEF UPXO IBMMT t %"*-: $PSQPSBUF JOUSBOFU :/FU PO UIF KPC MFBSOJOH BOE communication t 3&(6-"3-: 0GmDF XJEF UPXO IBMMT FNQMPZFF BDUJWJUJFT t #"4&% 0/ /&&% 'PDVT HSPVQT QVMTF TVSWFZT GBNJMZ friendly offices and activities, training and development programmes Covid-19: Yinson's new normal, pg 69; Human Capital, pg 112 S5 Governments and regulatory bodies t %"*-: $PNQMJBODF XJUI BQQMJDBCMF MFHJTMBUJPOT TVCNJTTJPO of reports, Yinson website and social media, regular engagement, communication and dialogue t 3&(6-"3-: 1BSUJDJQBUJPO JO HPWFSONFOU BOE SFHVMBUPSZ events, competency trainings t #"4&% 0/ /&&% $POTVMUBUJPO PO SFHVMBUPSZ NBUUFST announcements and disclosures; work and resident permit issuances; kick-off, engagement and clarification meetings, audits and inspections External environment, pg 62; Governments and regulatory bodies, pg 132; Governance, pg 154, S6 Industry t 3&(6-"3-: 1BSUJDJQBUJPO BT FYIJCJUPST BOE TQFBLFST at industry conferences; features, editorials and advertisements in industry publications; and networking events Acquisition and development, pg 98; Industry, pg 134