Datasonic Group Berhad
(Company No. 809759-X)
7.2 Leverage on information technology for effective dissemination of information
The Company’s website incorporates the corporate information of the Company and is
accessible to the shareholders and investors. It also incorporates an Investor Relations section
which provides all the relevant information on the Company’s shares, financial information,
announcements made by the Company to Bursa Malaysia as well as the latest media news
on the Company. The Company has continuously leveraged on information technology for
broader and effective dissemination of information to the shareholders and investors.
8.1 Encourage shareholders participation at general meetings
The notice of general meetings together with the Company’s Annual Report and/or Circular
to Shareholders will be despatched to the shareholders within the prescribed notice period
prior to the scheduled general meetings in order to provide sufficient time to the shareholders
to make the necessary arrangements to attend and participate either in person, by corporate
representative or by proxy. The Board encourages shareholders’ participation and engagement
at the general meeting as it provides an opportunity for the Board to assess the market
expectations and more importantly, it provides an avenue for the shareholders to ask questions
on the resolutions being proposed and to seek clarification on the business and performance
of the Group.
8.2 Poll Voting
The Board encourages poll voting at general meetings in case of substantive resolutions which
require shareholders’ approval. In previous general meetings held, the Chairman had notified
the shareholders of their rights to demand a poll vote at the commencement of the general
meetings. The voting process at general meetings shall be by way of show of hands unless a poll
is demanded. The poll voting process at the general meeting will be conducted in accordance
with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company.
8.3 Effective Communication and Proactive Engagement
The Company recognises the importance of providing adequate information to the shareholders
on a timely basis. The shareholders are kept well informed of the developments and performance
of the Company through timely announcements and disclosures made to Bursa Malaysia
including the release of financial results on a quarterly basis. Additionally, the Annual General
Meeting is the principal forum for dialogue and interaction with all shareholders, who are given
the opportunity to enquire and seek clarification on the operations and financial performance
of the Group.
In addition to the above, the Company is always willing to meet up with institutional investors
whenever the need arises, to elaborate or to further clarify the information which has been
disclosed to the shareholders. The shareholders can also obtain up-to-date information from
the Company’s website at
Except as otherwise disclosed in the above Statement, the Board is satisfied that the Group has applied
and complied with the principles and recommendations of the MCCG 2012 throughout the financial
period under review.
This Statement is made in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors passed on 29 May 2015.