Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

88 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 FAROSSON COMMENTARY BY DANIEL BONG, FAROSSON CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Our venture into the investment and fund management domain is not only timely, but deeply rooted in the understanding of the global energy landscape, investors’ evolving mindset on the balance between returns and impact, and the challenges posed by the energy trilemma. The urgency of addressing climate change and achieving a balance between affordability, sustainability and security in energy has created a favorable macro environment for investments in sustainable ventures and related infrastructure. Governments and international bodies are increasingly adopting policies and regulations to promote clean energy, making the sector ripe for strategic investments. The impressive amount of funds recently raised by infrastructure investment fund managers for Asia infrastructure points to a promising “China+1” strategy adopted by investors. Our strategic positioning allows us to capitalise on these advantageous market conditions and ride these tailwinds. Yinson’s commitment to sustainability aligns perfectly with the global agenda, ensuring that our investments contribute to a cleaner and more resilient energy future. As a group entrenched in the energy infrastructure and technologies sector, our expertise provides a solid foundation for venturing into sustainable energy investments. Our deep understanding of the intricacies of the energy market equips us to identify promising opportunities, manage risks effectively and deliver alpha for our investors. This alignment positions us as a key player in the transition to a sustainable energy future, leveraging our existing knowledge and experience. Our strategy revolves around collaboration and expansion. We aim to bring like-minded third-party investors into our existing businesses, creating synergies that amplify our impact. Simultaneously, we are committed to investing in new sustainable businesses or projects within the energy transition space. This dual-pronged approach not only diversifies our portfolio but also accelerates our influence in sustainable investing. By fostering partnerships and alliances, we strive to create a network effect that benefits both our group and the broader sustainable energy ecosystem. Since our establishment in 2023, we have adopted a nimble and agile approach, focusing on setting up the essential building blocks for a successful investment and fund management business. This includes cultivating a robust network of industry partners and investors, and implementing frameworks around ESG compliance, and operational efficiency. Our small yet dedicated team ensures flexibility and responsiveness, allowing us to navigate the dynamic landscape of sustainable energy investments effectively. In the spirit of collaboration, we hosted our inaugural networking event last year, bringing together industry players, bankers and investors in sustainable infrastructure. This event served as a platform for fruitful discussions and laid the groundwork for potential collaborations. Building a community that shares our commitment to sustainable investing is integral to our mission, and such events will continue to play a pivotal role in fostering these connections. As we mark the progress made in our first year, we remain focused in our goal to deliver our inaugural fund/investment in the coming year, translating the foundation we have laid into tangible, impactful outcomes. We invite partners who share our vision to join us on this journey, as we work towards shaping a sustainable energy future, one investment at a time. In the ever-evolving landscape of business, strategic investments in sustainable energy infrastructure have become paramount, driven by a confluence of factors in the macro environment. Yinson, as an energy infrastructure and technologies group, is placed squarely in a position to create impact in our area of expertise and influence.