Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

85 BUSINESS REVIEWS | YINSON GREENTECH RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES External environment Risks Opportunities Yinson GreenTech’s response Short to medium-term (1 to 5 years) Global economic uncertainties and the relative slowdown of tech development post pandemic. • Stalled growth. • Employee layoffs, hiring freeze. • Lower valuations on existing businesses. • Capital constraints for new businesses. • Investments in the right technologies can attract investors and yield high returns and successful business outcomes. • Global focus on climate change continues to drive investments in net zero technologies. • We focus on the megatrend of electrification. • Our team is capable of adapting our strategies to market conditions. • Our integrated ecosystem of solutions is attractive to a world that is eager to decarbonise. Influx of novel technologies to the market, pressure to mature. • Data security and privacy. • Technology errors and emissions. • IT resiliency. • Failure of new technologies. • Talent shortage and burnout. • Reputational risks. • The right technologies, backed with sound strategies and investor support, can reach maturity faster. • Early adopters of the right technologies have an edge. • We entered early in the growth curve in the technology areas we are in. • We have established strong partnerships with other industry leaders, including research institutions. • Our suite of integrated solutions offers a balanced risk profile. Long-term (6 to 10 years) The new technologies space is generally relatively unregulated. • Intellectual property and personal data and privacy risk. • Cybersecurity attacks. • Unforeseen liabilities. • Unprecedented policy and regulatory changes. • Increase in key insurance lines. • Early adopters can help shape a robust regulatory landscape. • A solid track record of regulatory compliance opens doors to new opportunities. • We have strong legal, compliance and business teams to keep abreast of latest developments and manage this risk. • We leverage the collective expertise of our network of like-minded partners. • We run awareness training for our team on regulatory matters, including in the area of intellectual property. • We conduct quarterly risk assessments. Transport segment is going electric and autonomous. • Data security and privacy. • Supply chain constraints and limited raw materials could cause bottlenecks in delivery. • Regulatory compliance risks. • Product and environment liability risks. • Consolidation among suppliers could make the supply chain more effective. • Early adopters can establish a track record and gain market share. • Strong opportunities for investments into infrastructure, which provide long-term, stable returns. • We are involved in developing both physical and digital infrastructure in the EV segment. • We are established as a leader in the green technologies space in Malaysia and the region. • We have built a strong supply chain through collaborations and partnerships. • We invest into research. Continued global focus on clean energy transformation. • Novel green technologies remain out of reach to the more vulnerable in society due to high costs and unequal access. • Companies that help to facilitate a just transition can capitalise on these opportunities while also addressing societal and environmental concerns. • Our services offerings are designed for the broader community. • We work with companies and local governments to meet their own decarbonisation goals.