Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

72 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Maintaining industry-leading safety performance Yinson Production’s Health, Safety and Environment (“HSE”) performance in the period under review was superior to industry benchmarks, maintaining our best-in-class safety performance standards over the years. Operational Health and Safety (“OHS”) is Yinson’s most material matter, therefore we will never compromise on the safety of our people and are committed to continuous improvement and optimisation. YINSON PRODUCTION’S HSE PERFORMANCE LTIF IOGP benchmark FYE 2022 0 0.22 FYE 2023 0 0.24 FYE 2024 0.06 0.28 TRIF IOGP benchmark FYE 2022 0.14 0.78 FYE 2023 0.21 0.85 FYE 2024 0.36 0.99 A key focus for us in 2023 was enhancing our subcontractor management processes, as we recognise the high-risk nature of our contract partners’ operational environments. Measures taken include enhancing our vendor screening process, implementing support within third-party incident investigation processes and implementing an online methodology to assess high-risk tasks performed by subcontractors. These measures have improved our compliance rates to consistently surpass 95% throughout the year. SUBCONTRACTOR HSE PERFORMANCE Our performance IOGP benchmark LTIF 0.06 0.28 TRIF 0.34 0.99 Lost Workday Cases: average days lost 17 49 Restricted Workday Cases: average days lost 15 27 Note: For the period January to December 2023. Other HSE improvement initiatives that took place during the period under review include: • Establishment of a Competency and Capability Framework for Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality (“HSSEQ”) personnel and the broader workforce. • Performance benchmarking to International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (“IOGP”). • Progressive digitalisation of numerous risk assurance and reporting processes. • Synchronisation of our Emergency Preparedness protocols with ISO 22320 Security and Resilience – Emergency Management – Guidelines for Incident Management. Steady environmental performance amid continuing efforts to lower our emissions The majority of our fleet performed well with regards to environmental metrices. However, despite our best efforts, our carbon intensity remained at elevated levels for the financial year, landing at a fleet average of 33.9 kg CO2e/BOE. 43% of our absolute emissions in FYE 2024 are attributed to unexpected flaring on two assets. First, as a result of a delay in building gas infrastructure on one asset, due to circumstances beyond our control, and secondly, due to technical downtime on the compressor train on another asset, reducing gas reinjection capacity. The absolute emissions of our fleet are reflected in the graph below. FLEET EMISSIONS PROFILE IN FYE 2024, INCLUDING UNEXPECTED EMISSIONS 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Estimated absolute emissions (%) 56% 23% 21% 100% Regular fleet emissions Compression train downtime Injection facilities delay Occupational Health & Safety, pg 105 - 108.