Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

68 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 HIGHLIGHTS FYE 2024 YINSON PRODUCTION COMMENTARY BY FLEMMING GRØNNEGAARD, YINSON PRODUCTION CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER GLOBAL POSITION >USD 22 billion order book over firm and option periods until 2048 3rd largest by fleet size 2nd largest by order book Over 1700 employees and crew working in 10 countries ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE 33.9 kg CO2e/BOE carbon intensity 6.3 ppm oil in slop water content from Yinson Production-operated FPSOs 14.3 ppm oil in produced water content from Yinson Production-operated FPSOs 0.3 litres hydrocarbon spills to sea 0 non-compliances with environmental laws and/or regulations 372 tonnes waste generated by our offshore assets OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE 58.9 million barrels of oil equivalent produced 0.36 TRIF (<IOGP benchmark 0.99) 99.7% technical uptime 0.06 LTIF (<IOGP benchmark 0.28) 100% commercial uptime 0 major ISM or ISO non-conformities 99.7% average 5-year technical uptime FLEET Malaysia (1) Under construction (3) Brazil (3) FSO (1) FPSO (8) Operational (6) Vietnam (2) Nigeria (1) Ghana (1) Angola (1)