Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

63 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 VISION To be a global energy solutions provider that is known for being reliable, open, adaptable, decisive and sustainable PURPOSE STATEMENT To provide reliable and sustainable energy infrastructure that empowers communities, drives economic growth and protects the environment for current and future generations INPUTS MISSION Passionately delivering powerful solutions C1 FINANCIAL CAPITAL • RM3,063 million cash and money market investments. • RM16,319 million total loans and borrowings. C3 INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Offshore Production • Pilot world’s first offshore CCS plant on FPSO Agogo. • 2 active investments into companies involved in the carbon value chain. • USD 2.5 million technology development grant for carbon capture plant studies. • Zero Emissions FPSO Concept. Green Technologies • >6 active investments into strategic green technologies companies. • Full software stack for charge point operations and fleet management solutions. • >7 active R&D partnerships. • 2 marine vessels undergoing operational trials and flight testing. C4 HUMAN CAPITAL • 1,592 total regular employees. • 134,374 employee training hours. • 42 leaders completed Yinson L.E.A.D. Programme to date. • 483 employee learning hours on Human & Labour rights. • 752 employees trained on health on safety standards. • Average 40 hours of OHS and Emergency Response training per employee. C6 NATURAL CAPITAL • 3,247 GWh energy consumption. • 12.2 ML water consumption. C5 SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL • RM1.91 million community investment. • 980 employee volunteering hours. • RM100,000 disbursed through Y4Y Grant. • 10 analyst briefings. • 78 investor meetings. • 93% of offshore production quotations requested from in-country suppliers. • 3 site audits conducted for Tier 1 suppliers. • >400 participants attended Yinson’s flagship investor event, sYnergy. C2 MANUFACTURED CAPITAL Offshore Production • 6 assets in operation. • 3 assets under construction. Renewables • 463 MW solar plants in operation. • 585 MW renewable energy assets under construction/ pre-construction. Green Technologies • >400 installed charging stations. • 200 EV leasing vehicles. • >120 e-bikes. • 31 e-bike battery swapping stations. • 2 fully electric harbour craft vessels. Offshore Marine • 4 offshore support vessels. CORE VALUES R Reliable O Open A Adaptable D Decisive S Sustainable CLIMATE GOALS We aim to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050. OUTPUTS VALUE CREATION AT YINSON | OUR BUSINESS VALUE CREATION MODEL 62 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 517 tonnes total waste generated 2.05 million tonnes CO2e Group carbon emissions 2,643 ML water discharged We incorporate and uphold the Ten Principals of the UN Global Compact into our strategies, policies and procedures. We support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. We align our business activities with nine key SDGs. MATERIAL TOPICS MS1 Occupational Health & Safety MS3 Human Capital Development MS2 Human & Labour Rights MS4 Community Engagement MS5 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion ME1 Climate Change & Carbon Management ME3 Biodiversity Management ME2 Inclusive Energy Transition ME4 Environmental Management ME5 Resource Efficiency MG1 Business Management & Performance MG3 Sustainable Supply Chain Management MG2 Corporate Governance & Business Ethics MG4 Digital Transformation STAKEHOLDER GROUPS S1 Bankers & lenders S3 Crew S5 Governments & regulatory bodies S2 Clients & customers S4 Employees S9 Equity partners S7 Investors & shareholders S6 Industry S8 Local communities S10 Suppliers GROUP STRATEGIES BUSINESS STRATEGIES 58.9 million barrels of oil equivalent produced 100% commercial uptime YINSON PRODUCTION 366 GWh net power generated ~354,941 tonnes CO2e carbon avoided YINSON RENEWABLES CLEAN ENERGY WATER ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY DIVERSITY, EQUALITY & INCLUSION HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SOCIAL SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN DATA PRIVACY & SECURITY ESG RATINGS & ASSURANCE ANTI-BRIBERY & ANTI-CORRUPTION GOVERNANCE 5 integrated land and marine electrification businesses 5 commercial partnerships that leverage the full ecosystem >1,000 charging points supported on e-roaming network 3,324.7 MWh energy delivered through chargEV YINSON GREENTECH BUSINESS CAPITAL ORGANISATIONAL CREATE SYNERGISTIC VALUE Operationalise ESG GS1 Forefront of innovation & disruption GS2 Build a platform for growth GS5 Empower decision-making GS6 Create sustainable shareholder value GS3 Tactical financial management GS4 YP YR YGT FO RO Pg 68 - 75 Pg 76 - 80 Pg 81 - 87 Pg 88 Pg 89 - 91 CLIMATE FRAMEWORK CARBON REDUCTION CARBON COMPENSATION CARBON REMOVAL We participate in the Carbon Disclosure Project. 99.7% technical uptime • RM11,646 million Revenue. • RM3,029 million Adjusted Core EBITDA. • RM1,109 million Core PAT. • RM11,719 million Adjusted Revenue. • RM964 million PATAMI. • 28.5 sen Basic Earnings per Share. • Development and commercialisation of novel green technologies. • Spur further innovation and research on low-carbon offshore solutions and technology-based green transport solutions. • Development of new and future low emissions technologies to decarbonise FPSO operations. • Strengthening of carbon value chain to serve all industries, especially hard-toabate sectors. • 91% Senior Management hired from local community. • 24.8% female regular employees. • HR recognitions from PwC Malaysia, HR Asia and Human Resources Online. • 0.06 LTIF and 0.36 TRIF. • 9.29% voluntary regular employee turnover rate. • 7.4 employee engagement survey score. • Average 3.4 years employed per employee. • 100% employees returning to work after parental leave. • 6 Teach for Malaysia fellows sponsored since 2019. • 0 suppliers flagged through the VRP for social and environmental nonperformance. • Numerous new strategic, commercial and financial partnerships established. • 10,855 lives impacted. • ~32 communities impacted. • 80 scholarships disbursed under Yinson Scholars Programme since 2019. • 750 female students impacted through Yinson Girls Education Programme. • 14.3 ppm oil in produced water content from Yinson Productionoperated FPSOs. • 6.3 ppm oil in slop water content from Yinson Production-operated FPSOs. • 591.4 kg CO2e/MWh Group carbon intensity. • 33.9 kg CO2e/BOE offshore production carbon intensity. • 279 MWh/RM million Group energy intensity. Offshore Production • Reliable, affordable and accessible energy solutions to safeguard energy security and support economic growth in the regions where we operate. Renewables • Clean energy to support economic growth in Latin America, Asia Pacific and Europe. Green Technologies • Products and services that build an integrated, technology-based transportation ecosystem across land and sea. • Facilitated ~21,000,000 km travelled on electricity through chargEV for our customers. • Facilitated ~281,000 km travelled on electricity through drivEV for our customers. Offshore Marine • Support the delivery of offshore energy products. VALUE CREATION AT YINSON | OUR BUSINESS VALUE CREATION MODEL OUTCOMES Related UN SDGs