Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

FYE 2024 AT A GLANCE | GROUP HIGHLIGHTS 4 5 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 GROUP HIGHLIGHTS REVENUE RM11.6 billion 84% from FYE 2023 PATAMI RM964 million 64% from FYE 2023 CORE PAT RM1.1 billion 50% from FYE 2023 PAT RM1.1 billion 94% from FYE 2023 EBITDA RM3.0 billion 68% from FYE 2023 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 28.5 sen 71% from FYE 2023 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ESG HIGHLIGHTS AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS UN Global Compact Sustainable Development Goals Reporting Disclosure Recognition Scan to view all our awards and recognitions. Deloitte Private Malaysia’s Best Managed Companies 2023 ZERO Non-compliances with environmental laws and regulations ZERO unresolved privacy and confidential data breaches 100% pre-qualified suppliers underwent detailed ESG screening Governance STRATEGIC ALLIANCES AND MEMBERSHIPS Environment >400 chargers operated and maintained 3,324.7 MWh energy delivered through chargEV chargers Facilitated ~21.28 million km travelled on electricity EFFLUENTS AND WASTE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 207.6 tonnes waste reused, recycled or recovered CARBON EMISSIONS 2.12% Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) 0.02% Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) 97.86% Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) CARBON EMISSIONS BY SCOPE 175.9 tonnes CO2e/RM million (by revenue) 591.4 kg CO2e/MWh (by energy generated) 33.9 kg CO2e/BOE (by barrel of oil equivalent generated) Total GHG Emissions 2,048,433.4 tonnes CO2e ENERGY 365,593.2 MWh renewable energy generated 7.8 ppm average oil in slop water content 3,246,585.4 MWh energy consumed 10 (0.3 litres) hydrocarbon spill incidents 278.8 MWh/RM million energy intensity GREEN TECHNOLOGIES Social 75.2% Male 24.8% Female 1,592 regular employees EMPLOYEES SAFETY 7.4 company index employee engagement score 361 new hires 9.29% voluntary regular employee turnover rate RM1.91 million community investment ~4,940 lives impacted ~32 communities impacted 980 employee volunteering hours 0.06 Lost Time Injury Frequency 0.36 Total Recordable Injury Frequency CARBON INTENSITY PwC Malaysia Building Trust Awards 2023 2nd place, FBM Mid-70 Index