Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

56 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 #2 Delivering value to our shareholders Over the years, Yinson has continued to provide steady returns to our shareholders while growing the company, as demonstrated in the graph below. Delivering such value, and increasing it, continues to be a priority for us moving forward. In the nearer term, this means investing in the growth of our FPSO business, without compromising on our commitment to devote at least 30% of equity Group-wide to non oil-based FPSO activities by 2030. Yinson’s share price has demonstrated a consistent upwards trajectory over the past five years which outpaced KLCI index, from a low of RM1.77 to a high of RM3.15 and averaging around RM2.42. This attests our proven business model, sound financial management as well as our continuous commitment towards delivering long-term value to our shareholders. In line with this focus area, we continue to step up our engagement activities with our shareholders as buildling a better understanding of our business is key to the creation of a strong and supportive shareholder base. In January 2024, we invited our major shareholders for an in-person dialogue with our Board and Senior Management. Here, we discussed key shareholder concerns, including dividend yield, capital allocation plans, updates on our new businesses, new risks and opportunities, and strategic targets. #1 Staying true to our purpose: ESG and transition Every strategic decision we make leads us back to the fulfilment of our purpose: We operate in the energy infrastructure space. We are in the energy transition business. We are future-focused. We aim to bring positive impacts to the community, environment, and economy. Our foundations are built with a clear sustainability purpose. UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO AREAS THAT ARE CARDINAL TO OUR STRATEGY STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS Staying true to our purpose: ESG and transition Building our ‘war chest’ Delivering value to our shareholders Keeping our covenants Safeguarding our credit ratings Even as our businesses adapt their strategies in response to changing market risks and opportunities, we diligently make sure that they continue to align to areas that are cardinal to our Group strategies. KLCI VS YINSON SHARE PRICE (5 YEARS) KLCI Index Yinson share price Inclusive energy transition, pg 96 - 97. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024