Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

52 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 Impact Legends: Low Medium High Material Matters Financial Materiality Impact Materiality Definition Capital UN SDGs Integrate and adopt climate considerations for business resiliency and manage decarbonisation efforts through technology-driven optimisation and low-carbon processes. ME1 Climate Change & Carbon Management C6 7 9 13 A balanced approach to the trilemma to support the global energy shift towards an equitable and inclusive low-carbon economy through renewable and innovative low-carbon solutions. ME2 Inclusive Energy Transition C6 7 9 Strategies to reduce negative impact from operations to enhance ecosystem resilience through partnerships and conservation efforts. ME3 Biodiversity Management C6 14 15 Responsible management of materials, encompassing their acquisition, disposal, and effective measures to address waste, water, effluent, and air pollution. ME4 Environmental Management C6 7 8 14 15 9 Responsible use of input material in product development, construction, and operations. ME5 Resource Efficiency C2 8 9 Collaboration with local communities where we have operations on environmental and social projects that benefit the wider public. MS4 Community Engagement C5 3 5 8 15 4 7 9 13 14 Foster an open and all-inclusive work culture for an equitable and diverse workforce. MS5 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion C5 5 8 Provision of secure working conditions and systems to safeguard human health and well-being in all operations. MS1 Occupational Health & Safety C4 3 8 Maintenance of key principles relating to human rights and labour standards as those defined by international conventions. MS2 Human & Labour Rights C4 4 5 8 9 Maintain our standing as an employer of choice through utilising competitive programmes that attract, retain and reward employees. MS3 Human Capital Development C4 4 5 8 9