Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

38 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 FYE 2024 14.3 2023 9.1 2022 11.1 2021 10.2 2020 6.9 Return on Equity (%) Return on equity (“ROE”) represents the percentage of investor dollars that have been converted into earnings. Group ROE increased to 14.3% in FYE 2024 from 9.1% in the previous financial year, indicating the profitability generated by our assets as they become operational and how efficiently the Group is allocating and utilising its capital to generate income. As our remaining FPSOs under construction are progressively completed, the Group ROE is correspondingly expected to improve even further. We are monitoring this ratio closely to ensure we maintain this healthy profitability growth. The Group’s profitability benchmark indicators continued to grow in FYE 2024 with higher contributions from EPCIC and FPSO Operations business activities (refer to EPCIC and FPSO Operations profitability sections below). The Group’s EBITDA was RM3.0 billion and PAT was RM1.1 billion, which were 68% and 94% higher than the previous financial year respectively – our best performance yet. EBITDA (RM million) FYE 2024 2,993 2023 1,782 2022 1,402 2021 1,236 2020 770 Core EBITDA (RM million) FYE 2024 2,972 2023 1,935 2022 1,411 2021 1,491 2020 793 PAT (RM million) FYE 2024 1,142 2023 588 2022 524 2021 412 2020 261 FYE 2024 1,109 2023 741 2022 534 2021 735 2020 293 Core PAT (RM million) Group profitability