Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

387 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING | NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ii. Ordinary Resolution 14 The Directors’ benefits cover meeting allowances, directors’ training, and other reimbursable expenses incurred in the course of carrying out their duties as Company Directors. In its March 2024 meeting, the Board approved the NRC’s recommendation for the Directors’ benefits for the financial year ended 31 January 2024 to remain unchanged, as set out in the table below: Type of Benefits RM Meeting Attendance Allowance General Meeting / Board Meeting / Board Committees Meeting 2,000/per meeting Other Benefit Directors’ Training 900,000/year* Note: * Annual training budget for the Board as a whole. In determining the estimated amount of benefits payable for the Directors, various factors were taken into account, including the number of scheduled meetings for the Board and Board Committees based on the current number of Directors, and provisional sum set aside as a contingency. An amount of up to RM1,356,000.00 is proposed as the benefits payable to the Directors for the period from 17 July 2024 until the conclusion of the next AGM in 2025. Payment of the Directors’ benefits will be made by the Company to the respective Directors as and when incurred if the proposed Ordinary Resolution 14 is passed by the shareholders at the 31st AGM. The details of the Directors’ fees and benefits are set out in the Company’s Corporate Governance Report, which is available on the Company’s website at www.yinson.com. 3. ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS 15 AND 16 – RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS WHO RETIRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE 96 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COMPANY The profiles of the Directors who are standing for re-election as per Agenda item no. 5 are set out in the Board of Directors’ profile of the Integrated Annual Report 2024. Based on the outcome of the internally conducted Board Effectiveness Evaluation for the financial year ended 31 January 2024, the Board is satisfied with the performance and contributions of the following directors, as well as their adherence to the fit and proper criteria as set out in the Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy. The Board supports the NRC’s recommendation for their re-election, based on the following justifications: i. Ordinary Resolution 15: Re-election of Madam Bah Kim Lian ("Madam Bah") as Non-Independent Executive Director Madam Bah, one of the founders of Yinson, plays a crucial role in the general administration of the Group’s operations. With her extensive experience amassed over the years, she provides valuable insights and support in guiding the direction and enhancing the overall performance of the Group. The Board is satisfied with her performance and contribution. She continues to carry out her duties diligently, effectively and demonstrate her commitment to her roles.