Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

379 APPENDIX | LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS "<IR> Framework" International Integrated Reporting Framework (2021) "ABAC" Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption "ABMS" Anti-Bribery Management System "AC" Audit Committee "AGM" Annual General Meeting "AI" Artificial Intelligence "BCM" Business Continuity Management "BEE" Board Effectiveness Evaluation "BEE 2024" Board Effectiveness Evaluation "Belia Prihatin" Kelab Belia Prihatin "Board" Yinson's Board of Directors "BRSC" Board Risk & Sustainability Committee "Bursa Securities" Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad "CAGR" Compound annual growth rate "CBA" Collective bargaining agreement "CBU" Completely Built Units "CDP" Carbon Disclosure Project "CG Report" Corporate Governance Report 2024 "CMS" Compliance Management System "COBE" Code of Conduct and Business Ethics "COP28" 28th Conference of the Parties "CSA" Corporate Sustainability Assessment "CSR" Corporate Social Responsibility "DAC" Direct Air Capture "DEI" Diversity, Equality and Inclusion "DJSI" Dow Jones Sustainability Index "DMA" Double Materiality Assessment "DRP" Dividend reinvestment plan "EAP" Employee Assistance Programmes "EBITDA" Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation "EPCIC" Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commissioning "EPF" Employees' Provident Fund of Malaysia "ERM" Enterprise Risk Management "ERP" Enterprise Resource Planning "ESG" Environmental, Social and Governance "ESS2015" Employees’ Share Scheme 2015 "ESS2023" Employees’ Share Scheme 2023 "ESSC" Employees’ Share Scheme Committee "EV" Electric vehicle "FPSO" Floating Production, Storage and Offloading "FYE 2024" Financial Year Ending. Yinson's FYE 2024 covers the period from 1 February 2023 to 31 January 2024 "FYE" Financial Year Ending "GDPR" General Data Protection Regulations "GHG" Greenhouse gas "Global HRIS" Global Human Resources Information System "GRC" Governance, Risk and Compliance "GRI" Global Reporting Initiative "HLR" Human & Labour Rights "HR" Human Resources "HSE" Health, Safety and Environment "HSEQ" Health, Safety, Environment and Quality "HSSEQ" Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality "IA" Internal Audit "ICE" Internal combustion engine "ICP" Internal Carbon Pricing "IEA" International Energy Agency "IFRS" International Financing Reporting Standards "IOGP" International Association of Oil & Gas Producers "IP" Intellectual property "IPIECA" International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association "ISM" International Safety Management "ISPS" International Ship and Port Security Code "IT" Information Technology "L.E.A.P." League of Extraordinary Apprentices Programme "LMS" Learning Management System "LTI" Lost Time Injury "LTIF" Lost Time Injury Frequency "LWDC" Lost Work Day Case "MARiiCas" Electric Motorcycle Use Promotion Scheme "MARPOL" International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships "MC" Management Committee "MCCG" Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 "MFRS" Malaysia Financial Reporting Standards "MMLR" Main Market Listing Requirements "MoU" Memorandum of Understanding "MPA" Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore "MSC" Management & Sustainability Committee "MSCI" Morgan Stanley Capital International "NGO" Non-governmental organisation "NRC" Nominating & Remuneration Committee "OHS" Operational Health and Safety "OSV" Offshore support vessel "OT" Operational Technology "PAT" Profit After Tax "PATAMI" Profit after Tax and Minority Interests "PETRONAS" Petroliam Nasional Berhad "PPA" Power Purchase Agreement "R&D" Research and development "Report" Integrated Annual Report 2024 "ROE" Return on Equity "RWDC" Restricted Work Day Case "SASB" Sustainability Accounting Standards Board "SC" Sustainability Committee "SDG" Sustainable Development Goal, referring to the UN SDG "SIT" Singapore Institute of Technology "SMI" Singapore Maritime Institute "Solar PV" Solar photovoltaic "TCFD" Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures "TOR" Terms of Reference "TRIF" Total Recordable Injury Frequency "UN SDGs" United Nations Sustainable Development Goals "VRP" Vendor Registration Platform "WSH" Workplace Safety and Health "Y4Y" Yinson4Youth "Yinson L.E.A.D. Programme" Yinson Leadership Enhancement and Development Programme "Yinson" or "the Company" Yinson Holdings Berhad "YMS" Yinson Management System "YODA" Yinson Open Data & AI UNITS "BHP" Brake horsepower "BLPD" Barrels of liquid per day "BOE" Barrel of oil equivalent "BOPD" Barrels of oil per day "BWPD" Barrels of water per day "CO2e" Carbon dioxide equivalent "GWh" Gigawatt-hour "kV" Kilovolt "ml" Mililitre "ML" Megalitre "MMSCFD" Million standard cubic feet per day "MW" Megawatt “MWac” Megawatt alternating current "MWh" Megawatt-hour "MWp" Megawatt peak "ppm" Parts per million