Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

372 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 DISCLOSURE REFERENCE GRI SECTOR STANDARD 401-3 Parental leave Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 11.10.4 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 11.10.6, 11.11.4 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs Human Capital Development, pg 111 - 114 11.10.7, 11.11.6 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 Community Engagement 3-3 Management of material topics Community Engagement, pg 115 - 117 11.14.1, 11.15.1 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported Community Engagement, pg 115 - 117 11.14.4 Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts Community Engagement, pg 115 - 117 11.14.5 Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 11.15.2 413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 11.15.2 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion 3-3 Management of material topics Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, pg 118 - 119 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Sustainability Performance Data, pg 352 - 363 11.11.5 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men Information incomplete. Data collection and consolidation is in progress. Steps are being taken to include the information in the next Report. 11.11.6 Other Topics Other GRI 2021 Topic Standards were determined to be not material to Yinson, as per the materiality process outlined in Materiality Matters, pg 50 - 53.