Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

360 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 PEOPLE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2024 FYE 2023 FYE 2022 GRI MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE Employment New regular employees hires New regular employees hires by age group 401-1 <30 years Persons 49 47 64 34 NA NA % of total regular employees 3.1 3.0 4.3 2.3 NA NA 30 - 50 years Persons 167 73 309 105 NA NA % of total regular employees 10.5 4.6 20.8 7.1 NA NA >50 years Persons 19 6 41 8 NA NA % of total regular employees 1.2 0.4 2.8 0.5 NA NA Employee turnover Voluntary employee turnover Persons 143 109 61 401-1 Persons 100 43 75 34 NA NA Voluntary regular employee turnover rate % 9.29 8.89 9.26 Total regular employee turnover rate % 12.14 13.95 NA Voluntary regular employee turnover by region Asia Persons 67 34 59 26 54 % of total regular employees 4.4 2.2 4.8 2.1 12.5 Europe Persons 7 1 7 3 2 % of total regular employees 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.2 2.6 Americas Persons 13 8 2 3 0 % of total regular employees 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.2 0 Africa Persons 13 0 7 2 5 % of total regular employees 0.8 0.0 0.6 0.2 3.8 Voluntary regular employee turnover by age group <30 years Persons 16 12 17 11 NA NA % of total regular employees 1.0 0.8 1.4 0.9 NA NA 30 - 50 years Persons 78 27 50 21 NA NA % of total regular employees 5.1 1.8 4.1 1.7 NA NA >50 years Persons 6 4 8 2 NA NA % of total regular employees 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.2 NA NA Average years employed by company Average years employed by the company Years 3.4 2.7 3.5 2.5 NA NA - Parental leave Number of employees entitled to parental leave Persons 1,592 1,488 NA 401-3 Persons 1,197 395 1,168 320 NA NA Number of employees taking parental leave Persons 42 32 NA Persons 26 16 16 16 NA NA Number of employees returning to work after parental leave Persons 42 32 NA