Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

357 APPENDIX | SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE DATA COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2024 FYE 2023 FYE 2022 GRI Reporting on Code of Conduct Breaches Unsubstantiated breaches on code of conduct Cases 5 0 0 205-3 206-1 406-1 418-1 Corruption or bribery Cases 3 0 0 Anti-trust/anti-competitive Cases 0 0 0 Discrimination or harassment Cases 2 0 0 Privacy Cases 0 0 0 Conflict of interest Cases 0 0 0 Money laundering or insider trading Cases 0 0 0 Substantiated breaches on code of conduct Cases 1 0 0 Corruption or bribery Cases 1 0 0 Anti-trust/anti-competitive Cases 0 0 0 Discrimination or harassment Cases 0 0 0 Privacy Cases 0 0 0 Conflict of interest Cases 0 0 0 Money laundering or insider trading Cases 0 0 0 Actions taken on substantiated cases 206-1 Verbal warning Cases 1 0 0 Written warning Cases 0 0 0 Dismissal Cases 0 0 0 Others (Contract termination) Cases 0 0 0 Strategy, Policies and Practices Compliance with laws and regulations Instances of non-compliance which fines were incurred Cases 0 0 0 2-27 Corruption or bribery Cases 0 0 0 Environmental Cases 0 0 0 Occupational health & safety Cases 0 0 0 Social or community Cases 0 0 0 Human rights Cases 0 0 0 Instances of non-compliance which non-monetary sanctions were incurred Cases 0 0 0 Corruption or bribery Cases 0 0 0 Environmental Cases 0 0 0 Occupational health & safety Cases 0 0 0 Social or community Cases 0 0 0 Human rights Cases 0 0 0 Total monetary value for non-compliance with laws and regulations RM 0 0 0 Corruption or bribery RM 0 0 0 Environmental RM 0 0 0 Occupational health & safety RM 0 0 0 Social or community RM 0 0 0 Human rights RM 0 0 0 Public Policy Political contributions Financial and in-kind political contributions made directly and indirectly by the organisation by country and recipient/beneficiary RM 0 0 0 415-1 Notes: (1) Corruption-related assessments are conducted as part of the ISO 37001 Anti Bribery Management System (ABMS). (2) Regular employees (permanent + fixed term) are communicated with ABAC policies and procedures through the Yinson LMS. NA = Not Available | N/A = Not Applicable