Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

354 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2024 FYE 2023 FYE 2022 GRI Energy Consumption & Generation Energy consumption Fuel gas MWh 2,934,894.2* 3,260,015.8 2,397,269.6 302-1 Yinson Production MWh 2,934,894.2* 3,260,015.8 2,397,269.6 Other non-renewable fuel MWh 819.3* NA NA Total purchased electricity consumption MWh 1,251.5* 1,099.3 607.8 Office energy consumption MWh 1,238.3 1,099.3 607.8 Malaysia MWh 243.7 194.5 175.8 Singapore MWh 210.2 148.7 120.2 Norway MWh 403.2 393.1 79.1 Ghana MWh 163.3 131.6 129.0 Nigeria MWh 12.8 86.6 38.3 India MWh 8.3 97.6 39.8 Netherlands MWh 50.9 15.0 14.7 United Kingdom MWh 5.5 25.9 N/A Indonesia MWh 4.6 N/A N/A Brazil MWh 135.8 6.3 10.9 Electric Vehicles (EV) energy consumption MWh 13.2 NA NA Water and Effluents Water consumption Total fresh water consumption Megalitres 12.2 12.1 10.9 303-5 Water discharge Total water discharged Megalitres 2,642.5 2,894.6 2,494.7 303-4 Discharged produced water Megalitres 2,205.2 641.3 493.5 Slop water Megalitres 437.3 2,253.3 2,001.1 Quality of water discharge to surface water(6) Average oil in produced water content ppm 18.1 23.2 ≤30 - Average oil in slop water content ppm 7.8 11.3 ≤15 Unrecovered releases/spills Hydrocarbon spills Cases 10 0 1 - Total volume of hydrocarbon spills Litres 0.3 0 160.6 Waste Waste generated Total waste generation tonnes 516.9 494.9 617.0 306-3 Waste diverted from disposal Total waste reused, recycled or recovered tonnes 206.7 225.0 154.2 306-4 Waste directed to disposal Total waste disposed tonnes 310.2 269.9 462.8 306-5 Hazardous waste tonnes 205.9 131.5 97.6 Yinson Production tonnes 74.3 66.5 97.6 Regulus Offshore tonnes 131.6 64.9 NA Non-hazardous waste tonnes 104.3 138.4 365.2 Yinson Production tonnes 90.6 130.2 298.7 Regulus Offshore tonnes 13.6 8.2 66.6 Notes: (1) The intensity metric accounts for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3: Category 13 with the total electricity generation from Yinson Production and Yinson Renewables as the denominator. (2) The intensity metric accounts for the Scope 3: Category 13 with Yinson Production’s offshore production value (BOE) as the denominator. (3) Total direct GHG emissions include emissions from the operation of Yinson-owned assets, including operation-essential equipments, vehicles and offshore service vessels. Note that direct emissions from Yinson FPSOs are accounted for under Scope 3, Category 13: Downstream Leased Assets. (4) Total indirect GHG emissions include emissions from purchased electricity for our offices and EVs. (5) Scope 3: Category 11: Use of Sold Products includes the total emissions from the electricity procured for chargEV’s customer consumption through electric charging stations. (6) The disclosed oil in water content values are for the whole fleet, inclusive of joint venture assets. The oil in water content for slop and produced water are 6.3 ppm and 14.3 ppm respectively for Yinson Production-operated FPSOs only. * Values are independently verified by an external party. Verification and assurance statements are available at: https://www.yinson.com/our-climate-goals/ NA = Not Available | N/A = Not Applicable