Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

345 ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS As at 2 May 2024 Issued Share Capital : RM2,655,937,601.50 of 3,184,401,131 ordinary shares (including 157,332,500 treasury shares) Voting Rights : One (1) vote per ordinary share ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS (ACCORDING TO THE RECORD OF DEPOSITORS AS AT 2 MAY 2024) RANGE NO. OF HOLDERS % OF HOLDERS NO. OF SHARES % OF SHARES^ Less than 100 345 4.40 7,203 0.00 100 to 1,000 1,443 18.40 908,835 0.03 1,001 to 10,000 3,892 49.63 16,961,946 0.56 10,001 to 100,000 1,564 19.94 51,179,865 1.69 100,001 to 151,353,430* 597 7.61 2,650,064,736 87.55 151,353,431 and above** 1 0.01 307,946,046 10.17 TOTAL 7,842 100.00 3,027,068,631 100.00 Notes: * Less than 5% of issued shares. ** 5% and above of issued shares. ^ Excluding 157,332,500 treasury shares. SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS (ACCORDING TO THE REGISTER OF SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS AS AT 2 MAY 2024) NAME DIRECT INTEREST INDIRECT INTEREST NO. OF SHARES %^ NO. OF SHARES %^ Lim Han Weng 43,611,477 1.44 668,454,2031 22.08 Bah Kim Lian 9,832,000 0.32 630,089,3802 20.82 Employees Provident Fund Board 521,456,166 17.23 - - Yinson Legacy Sdn Bhd 572,905,063 18.93 - - Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan) 143,321,800 4.73 88,205,3403 2.91 Notes: 1 Deemed interested by virtue of his spouse and children’s direct shareholdings in the Company pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Companies Act 2016 (“Act”) and Liannex Corporation (S) Pte Ltd (“Liannex”) and Yinson Legacy Sdn Bhd’s (“YLSB”) direct shareholdings in the Company pursuant to Section 8(4) of the Act. 2 Deemed interested by virtue of her spouse and children’s direct shareholdings in the Company pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Act and YLSB’s direct shareholdings in the Company pursuant to Section 8(4) of the Act. 3 Deemed interested in the shares held by Fund Manager of Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan) pursuant to Section 8 of the Act. ^ Excluding 157,332,500 treasury shares. Lim Han Weng and Bah Kim Lian by virtue of their interests in the shares of the Company are also deemed interested in shares of all the Company’s subsidiaries to the extent that the Company has an interest. ACCOUNTABILITY | ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS