Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

32 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 CASE STUDY DATA ANALYTICS AND AI AT YINSON Yinson views data as strategic assets that are crucial for business success. At Yinson, we have dedicated Data and Analytics functions at both the Group and business levels that focus on ensuring that the business has value-driven, integrated and trusted data sources and processes. Data from across the businesses can be federated to and governed by a modern data platform to create actionable insights. The Yinson Open Data & AI project, informally referred to internally as ‘YODA’, is an initiative to unite the various data systems across the company into a ‘single source of truth’ platform that enables operational and cross-functional analytics. In 2023, we conducted comprehensive business alignment sessions Group-wide. From these sessions, we successfully mapped out a Data Strategy & Architecture Blueprint and defined an agile three-year implementation roadmap focused on business ambitions. Key outcomes of the Blueprint, which was launched in August 2023, are depicted below: Some of the noteworthy quick win use cases being piloted include an AI-assisted contract analysis tool and an end-to-end ESG indicator management dashboard. During the year, we also evaluated several generative AI tools, and selected a solution that we believe can best support employee productivity while balancing data security risks. The tool was launched Group-wide in November 2023 during the first of a series of Gen.AI webinars. The webinar series is designed to help employees embrace generative AI, while also raising awareness on associated risks and guardrails. We have seen an increase in uptake across the Group, while more use cases are being piloted alongside the YODA platform. CLOSING REMARKS The five global megatrends of climate change, urbanisation, demographic shifts, technological advancements and resource scarcity present us with the greatest opportunities to shape the future of humanity. Artificial intelligence will accelerate productivity significantly as we look at how to harness its benefits across the organisation and especially in our operations. Yinson is passionate about doing our part to seize these opportunities, and to collaborate with like-minded partners to unlock exponential value that can bring about real, material change for the better. Sincere thanks to my fellow Board Members, Senior Management, and leadership teams for embracing challenges with wisdom and fortitude, turning them into value creation opportunities. To our valued partners, investors, and shareholders – whether longstanding or new – thank you for partnering with us and may we move mountains together! I save my final and most vehement thanks for our employees and crew around the world. It has been such a fast-paced and demanding year as we strived to deliver on our commitments. We could not have come this far, and we would go nowhere, without your sacrifice and passion. YINSON’S DATA STRATEGY & ARCHITECTURE IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP • Conducted sessions with all businesses and corporate functions. • Identified and prioritised potential use cases and platform capability requirements. • Identified source systems, data subject areas and applications. • Designed Data Platform Architecture that caters to different business needs. • Designed three-year implementation roadmap. • Kick-started Priority-1 use cases, which aim to be onboarded onto the platform by 2024. • Complete Priority-1 use cases. • Kick start design of medium- and long-term initiatives. • Complete medium-term use cases. • Kick start implementation of long-term initiatives. • Continuous delivery of longterm use cases. • Design next phase of Data Analytics and AI innovation for Yinson. IMPLEMENTATION AREAS: DATA INTEGRATION | DATA CLASSIFICATION | EXPLORATORY ANALYTICS | ADVANCED ANALYTICS | DATA GOVERNANCE | GENERATIVE AI Continuous review of frameworks, use cases and architecture, ongoing empowerment of business users and resourcing BUSINESS ALIGNMENT SESSIONS DESIGN DATA AND AI ARCHITECTURE AND ROADMAP KICKSTART QUICK WINS INITIATIVES KICKSTART MEDIUM-TERM INITIATIVES KICKSTART LONG-TERM INITIATIVES CONTINUOUS DELIVERY OF LONG-TERM INITIATIVES AUG 2023 YEAR 1 (2024) SEPT TO DEC 2023 YEAR 2 (2025) DEC 2023 YEAR 3 (2026)