Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

31 LEADERSHIP MESSAGES | GROUP CEO REVIEW CASE STUDY LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN MARINE ELECTRIFICATION The electrification of short sea shipping is a crucial step towards reducing greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions in the maritime transport sector. Yinson GreenTech’s marinEV business is an early mover in Southeast Asia’s marine electrification space with the development of the Hydromover and Hydroglyder. Both vessels are designed with cutting edge technologies to meet the future demands of the industry, while demonstrating strong commercial and technical viability. At the same time, they meet consumer demands for quieter, cleaner ports. With our vessels, we aim to enhance operational efficiency while contributing to environmental stewardship, global trade and sustainable practices. They mark our strategic contribution towards a smarter, safer and more resilient marine industry. Fully electric cargo vessel with swappable battery solutions. Hydromover TECHNOLOGIES • Swappable battery solutions. • Autonomous-ready solutions. • Optimised hull designed for efficient hydrodynamics. • Smart bridge providing critical data and real-time information. • Advanced decision-making capabilities including energy optimisation, waypoint calculation, route planning, sense-and-avoid and berthing boundaries. EFFICIENCIES • Zero downstream emissions. • Up to 50% operational cost savings. • Minimal drag and maximum energy efficiency. • Quick and efficient battery replacement to reduce vessel downtime. • Increased safety on board, minimising human error. PROGRESS Awarded funding, as part of the Goal Zero Consortium, by Singapore’s MPA and SMI. Started construction of prototype. Completed construction of prototype. Aug 2021 Sept 2022 Nov 2023 Currently undergoing operational trials by potential off-takers, with a view to include it in their future fleet operations. Fully electric passenger vessel with advanced hydrofoil technologies. Hydroglyder TECHNOLOGIES • Innovative hydrofoil technology lifts hull above water. • Active foiling control that dynamically adjusts foil angles. • Lightweight composite hull, mode-based operations, energy efficient design. • Advanced sensor and navigation systems. • 3D-printed passenger seats. EFFICIENCIES • Zero downstream emissions. • Up to 90% reduction in cost of energy. • 50% – 80% power reduction compared to non-foiling vessel. • Great reduction of water resistance and increase in energy efficiency per nautical mile as well as superior ride comfort. • Increased safety on board, minimising human error. • Situational awareness and decision-making capabilities. PROGRESS Launched concept model. Commenced prototype construction in Melaka, Malaysia. Completed construction of prototype. Apr 2021 Dec 2022 Nov 2023 Currently undergoing flight testing and regulatory compliances with flag authorities.