Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

ACCOUNTABILITY | FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 313 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the financial year ended 31 January 2024 41. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES (CONTINUED) (c) Liquidity risk (continued) The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s and the Company’s financial liabilities based on contractual undiscounted repayment obligations: (continued) As at 31 January 2024, the Group’s total undrawn borrowing facilities and perpetual securities amounted to RM3,197 million (2023: RM5,329 million) which comprise a project financing term loan facility of RM1,127 million (2023: RM3,210 million), Perpetual Sukuk of RM1,964 million (2023: RM1,829 million) and revolving credit facilities of RM106 million (2023: RM290 million). These facilities are secured primarily to finance the Group’s ongoing and new FPSO projects, and expansion in the Renewables and Green Technologies businesses. With the continued availability of these borrowing facilities and perpetual securities required for the Group to support their current level of operations, the Group expects that it has sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities for at least 12 months from balance sheet date. Company 31 January 2024 Trade and other payables 63 979 - 1,042 Loans and borrowings 106 1,111 - 1,217 Lease liabilities 3 6 - 9 Financial guarantee^ 5,080 - - 5,080 Total undiscounted financial liabilities 5,252 2,096 - 7,348 31 January 2023 Trade and other payables 255 880 - 1,135 Loans and borrowings 78 1,148 - 1,226 Lease liabilities 2 - - 2 Financial guarantee^ 5,375 - - 5,375 Total undiscounted financial liabilities 5,710 2,028 - 7,738 ^ The maximum amount of the financial guarantees issued to the banks for subsidiaries’ borrowings is limited to the amount utilised by the subsidiaries. The earliest period any of the financial guarantees can be called upon by banks is within the next 12 months. The Company believes that the liquidity risk in respect of the financial guarantees is minimal as it is unlikely that the subsidiaries will not make payment to the banks when due.