Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

In line with Yinson’s commitment to sustainability and the environment, we are not distributing hardcopies of this Report, except by request. We encourage you to read this Report on our interactive microsite, available at ar.yinson.com/2024, and also accessible by scanning this QR code. As a further reflection of our efforts to reduce our paper usage, Yinson will donate the print cost of every hardcopy Report to Otchiva, an Angolan NGO dedicated to protecting wetlands, in particular mangrove ecosystems. VIEW THIS REPORT ON OUR INTERACTIVE MICROSITE NAVIGATION ICONS The following navigation icons are used to enhance the linkages between strategic information, and inform readers on where additional information can be located within the Report or across Yinson’s communication channels. Capitals C1 Financial Capital C3 Intellectual Capital C5 Social & Relationships Capital C2 Manufactured Capital C4 Human Capital C6 Natural Capital Businesses Yinson Production YP Yinson Renewables YR Yinson GreenTech YGT Regulus Offshore RO Farosson FO Material topics ME1 Climate Change & Carbon Management ME3 Biodiversity Management MG1 Business Management & Performance MG3 Sustainable Supply Chain Management MS1 Occupational Health & Safety MS3 Human Capital Development MS2 Human & Labour Rights MS4 Community Engagement MS5 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion ME2 Inclusive Energy Transition ME4 Environmental Management ME5 Resource Efficiency MG2 Corporate Governance & Business Ethics MG4 Digital Transformation Stakeholder groups S1 Bankers & lenders S3 Crew S5 Governments & regulatory bodies S2 Clients & customers S4 Employees S9 Equity partners S7 Investors & shareholders S6 Industry S8 Local communities S10 Suppliers Scan to access related information on our online communication channels Points to related sections within this Report