Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 290 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the financial year ended 31 January 2024 34. DEFERRED TAXATION (CONTINUED) As at the reporting date, the Group had unabsorbed tax losses and unutilised other deductible temporary differences of approximately RM876 million and RM81 million (2023: RM259 million and RM80 million respectively) that are available to offset against future taxable profits of the respective subsidiaries in which these unabsorbed tax losses and unabsorbed capital allowances arose, for which no deferred tax asset is recognised due to uncertainty of its recoverability. Except for certain unutilised tax losses of the Group amounting to RM19 million (2023: RM11 million) which are expected to expire between 2028 to 2034 (2023: 2024 to 2031), the other tax losses have no expiry date. 35. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Current: Group Company 2024 RM million 2023 RM million 2024 RM million 2023 RM million Trade payables Third parties (Note (a)) 587 462 - - Other payables Due to directors 14 15 14 15 Due to subsidiaries - - 22 203 Sundry payables 84 46 1 4 Accruals (Note (b)) 2,153 691 26 33 Due to non-controlling interests (Note (d)) 48 - - - Deposits (Note (c)) 23 76 - - 2,322 828 63 255 2,909 1,290 63 255 Non-current: Other payables Sundry payables 2 3 - - Due to subsidiaries (Note (e)) - - 979 880 Due to non-controlling interests (Note (d)) 233 203 - - Provisions for decommissioning (Note (f)) 10 2 - - Deposits 1 - - - 246 208 979 880 Total trade and other payables 3,155 1,498 1,042 1,135 (a) Trade payables are non-interest bearing. (b) Included in the Group’s accruals are amounts relating to expenditures incurred for the construction of FPSOs of RM1,911 million (2023: RM536 million).