Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

27 LEADERSHIP MESSAGES | GROUP CEO REVIEW LIVES IMPACTED FYE 2024 10,855 individuals 2030 target: 30,000 cumulative individuals directly impacted through CSR programmes CSR INVESTMENTS FYE 2024 RM3.8 million 2030 target: RM30 million cumulative investment into CSR programmes EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERISM FYE 2024 1,100 hours 2030 target: 30,000 cumulative employee CSR hours COMMUNITIES IMPACTED FYE 2024 32 communities 2030 target: 30 cumulative communities impacted through CSR programmes COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SUPPLIER ESG SCREENINGS FYE 2024 Maintained Annual target: 100% pre-qualified suppliers undergoing detailed ESG screening SUPPLIER ENGAGEMENT INITIATIVES FYE 2024 40% 2030 target: 100% of Tier 1 suppliers cumulatively engaged through supplier events, trainings or workshops SUPPLIER SITE AUDITS FYE 2024 3 site audits 2030 target: 10 cumulative site audits conducted for Tier 1 suppliers LOCAL SUPPLIER PARTICIPATION FYE 2024 93% Annual target: >70% quotations requested from in-country suppliers SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN ZERO UNRESOLVED PRIVACY BREACHES FYE 2024 Maintained Annual target: Zero unresolved privacy breaches every year ZERO UNRESOLVED CONFIDENTIAL DATA BREACHES FYE 2024 Maintained Annual target: Zero unresolved confidential data breaches every year DATA PRIVACY & SECURITY SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ASSURANCE FYE 2024 Achieved Annual target: Independent assurance on Sustainability Statement every year ESG RATINGS FYE 2024 2030 target FTSE4Good 3.8 4 CSA/DJSI 58 70 MSCI BB A Sustainalytics 14.5 <15 ESG RATINGS & ASSURANCE ABAC TRAINING FYE 2024 70.3% Annual target: 100% employees completing ABAC training ZERO INCIDENCES OF CORRUPTION FYE 2024 Maintained Annual target: 100% of substantiated incidents of corruption resolved ANTI-BRIBERY & ANTI-CORRUPTION