Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

25 LEADERSHIP MESSAGES | GROUP CEO REVIEW SUSTAINABILITY AND ESG: A FOUNDATION FOR STRONG DECISION-MAKING The increasing centrality of Environmental, Social & Governance (“ESG”) to the global and corporate agenda is causing attitudes towards ESG to undergo a profound rationalisation. In many boardrooms, ESG is a subject that is both essential and contentious. Regardless of the rhetoric, Yinson continues to stay true to our purpose – we are committed to investing into the energy transition and our long-term goals remain intact. We believe that incorporating ESG analysis alongside traditional financial factors adds to our holistic understanding of risks and opportunities, leading to long-term value. ESG risks, as reflected in our double materiality assessment, are some of Yinson’s biggest risks, and could have a significant impact on our long-term performance and profitability, including our ability to secure new capital. Thus, we are encouraged that our ESG performance reached new heights in 2023, acknowledged, among others, by Morningstar Sustainalytics, S&P Global, Institutional Investor, UN Global Compact Malaysia and Brunei (UNGCMYB), Deloitte Private and PwC Malaysia. Our sustainability ratings and recognitions affirm our sustainability leadership and position among the best-managed companies globally. While megatrends are volatile and uncertain, our strong fundamentals, based on sustainability principles, have been and will continue to be the key to our ability to read and adapt to the uncertainties of our macro environment. We launched our flagship sustainability initiative, 30 by 30, in June 2023. These are 30 of our most material targets that we have committed to reach by 2030, and for which we are accountable to all our stakeholders. As at FYE 2024, we are pleased to have made good progress on our targets, as depicted in the scorecard on the next page. Creating sustainable shareholder value is a key strategy for us. This demonstrates our ability to provide steady returns and builds the confidence of our investors and shareholders, who have provided strong support over our transformative years. Throughout our various transformation phases and periods of economic volatility, we have maintained a steady return to our shareholders, as shown below. We thank our valued shareholders for aligning with our vision, and for supporting us as we transition. From our continuous engagement with our shareholders, we understand the need to look not just at longer term strategies, but account for short-term wins too. Therefore, we have started embarking on strategies to unlock value earlier, which can lead to our ability to pay more dividends. Interim dividend Special dividend Final dividend Share buy-backs YINSON’S SHAREHOLDER RETURNS SINCE FYE 2011 RM1.2 billion in shareholder returns RM793 million in dividends RM369 million in share buy-backs * Final dividend to be tabled for shareholder approval at the forthcoming 31st AGM. FYE 2011 FYE 2012 FYE 2013 FYE 2014 FYE 2015 FYE 2016 FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022 FYE 2023 FYE 2024 1,884 5,009 5,509 12,910 16,392 21,791 159,077 43,527 43,311 43,221 42,603 42,599 28,975 29,067 58,203 190,753 58,294 4,034 21,324 21,302 49,309 81,514 21,538 31,196 43,452 21,705 21,791 12,633 29,070* RM’000