Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

19 OUR INVESTMENT CASE | OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY SUPPORTING THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS COMMITMENT TO UPHOLDING THE UN GLOBAL COMPACT PRINCIPLES SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE The management of sustainability-related matters is integrated into our existing robust corporate governance structure. The success of our sustainability governance structure hinges on the sustainable leadership of our Board and Senior Management, which collectively form our leadership team. We have Board-level oversight and Management-level responsibility in governing sustainability matters. In 2023, we streamlined our sustainability governance by integrating the Sustainability Committee into the Management Committee, which is now renamed the Management & Sustainability Committee (“MSC”). This move enhances management efficiency and oversight, augmenting our agility to react to any emerging sustainability-related risks. Key members within MSC hold sustainability-related KPIs to ensure there is alignment with our ESG focus areas. Our continuous engagement with our stakeholders allows us to receive feedback to prioritise focus areas and identify areas of improvement, as demonstrated in our materiality assessments. Our understanding of key societal and environmental concerns allows us to proactively manage our business in an ever-evolving environment. For a more detailed understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Board, BRSC and MSC, refer to the Statement on Risk Management & Internal Control, pg 162 - 168. Yinson believes that corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principlesbased approach to doing business. This means operating in ways that meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Yinson upholds and incorporates the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact (“UNGC”) into our strategies, policies and procedures, establishing a culture of integrity and setting the stage for long-term success. In 2015, the UN SDGs and their accompanying targets were ratified by 193 member states at the UN Summit. Collective action from governments, businesses, organisations and societies is required to achieve the scale and ambition of the SDGs. Yinson believes in playing our role to meet these goals. The SDGs are a holistic, sustainable development framework and are important considerations in setting our sustainability strategy and targets to maximise positive impacts. Aligning with our focus to deliver sustainable energy infrastructure and solutions, we strategically align our corporate efforts towards contributing to nine SDGs across our businesses and activities, as mapped throughout this Report. We advocate for and invite businesses across our value chain to do the same and encourage their contribution to the broader SDGs. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE AT YINSON Board-level oversight The Board supervises Yinson’s business model transformation towards a low-carbon economy, providing oversight and guidance for the Group-wide strategy and business affairs, including management of sustainability and climate practices. The BRSC meets quarterly to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls and risk management systems, including action and mitigation plans for identified and emerging risks. Management-level responsibility The MSC is responsible for implementing the Group’s policies, guidelines and systems to ensure effective risk management, including management of sustainability and climate risks. Within its respective areas of responsibility, the MSC is responsible for managing risks within tolerable levels with specific material metrics and targets. Board of Directors Board Risk & Sustainability Committee Management & Sustainability Committee