Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

18 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY Energy companies play a crucial role in driving an inclusive energy transition to support low-carbon economies. Paving the way for a sustainable future is a key strategy for Yinson. We believe that access to reliable and sustainable energy infrastructure is fundamental to empowering communities and driving economic growth while protecting the environment for current and future generations. SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK At Yinson, we recognise the crucial role of energy infrastructure in enabling and accelerating an energy transition that accounts for the varied interests of our stakeholders. In 2023, we reviewed and refreshed our sustainability approach to reflect updated material sustainability considerations and priorities. These material matters will continue to inform our business strategies as we continue to drive a just, orderly and inclusive transition towards a low-carbon future together. Our purpose forms the basis of our approach to sustainability and the three core principles that guide our Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) focus and practices. Amid shifting ESG trends, we remain steadfast towards our Climate Goals commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050. Our Climate Goals Roadmap and Climate Report outline our strategy and progress towards achieving our Climate Goals. Yinson continues to work with all our stakeholders, especially on their most material areas of concern, to implement our sustainability agenda. These principles are underpinned by our Core Values and align with the various sustainability-related goals that Yinson is committed to, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”). 30 BY 30 TARGETS While Yinson works toward improving access to affordable and clean energy and spurring economic growth, we will continue to do so in a way that is responsible towards the environment and that contributes positively to our local communities. GOVERNANCE Driving Sustainable Growth through Good Corporate Governance ENVIRONMENTAL Building Environmental and Climate Resilience SOCIAL Empowering People and Communities PURPOSE STATEMENT Our purpose is to provide reliable and sustainable energy infrastructure that empowers communities, drives economic growth and protects the environment for current and future generations. ME1 Climate Change & Carbon Management ME3 Biodiversity Management MG1 Business Management & Performance MG3 Sustainable Supply Chain Management MS1 Occupational Health & Safety MS3 Human Capital Development MS2 Human & Labour Rights MS4 Community Engagement MS5 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion ME2 Inclusive Energy Transition ME4 Environmental Management ME5 Resource Efficiency MG2 Corporate Governance & Business Ethics MG4 Digital Transformation 30 by 30 scorecard, pg 26 - 27. For the year in review, Yinson introduced 30 by 30, a single declarative set of our most material ESG targets that we are committed to achieving by 2030. The targets are closely mapped to the core Sustainability Principles: Environment, Social and Governance. They are specific, measurable, timebound, and importantly, their attainment will contribute significantly to the creation of a long-term and sustainable economy that is fair and equitable to all. These targets encompass both aspirational goals and annual targets to be maintained. Additionally, as our ambitions expand and new material areas emerge, we may review the targets to ensure that they stay relevant and aligned with the evolving landscape.