Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

159 GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT S10 SUPPLIERS YINSON’S VALUE PROPOSITION • Cooperate and collaborate to unlock new value and innovations. • Advocacy and engagement on ESG and sustainability matters. • Timely and competitive payment terms and practices. • Long-term collaborative relationship. STAKEHOLDER IMPORTANCE • We engage with suppliers who deliver high-quality goods and services to facilitate Yinson’s value creation. FREQUENCY AND METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT • Daily: Yinson website and social media, regular engagement, communication, and dialogue. • Regularly: Supplier and industry conferences. • Based on need: Tenders and requests for proposals, site visits, vendor audits, and VRP. KEY AREAS OF CONCERN MS1 MS2 MG3 ME1 ME2 ME4 ME5 OVERVIEW OF YINSON’S RESPONSE • Climate Goals to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050, with strategies and targets outlined in our Climate Goals Roadmap. • Significant effort into measuring and monitoring our impact and performance in terms of carbon accounting and GHG emissions. • Support our stakeholders in meeting their own climate targets. • Our businesses work together to address the energy trilemma to ensure a sustainable future for all. These are the parties that Yinson pays to deliver products, services, and commitments.