Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

155 GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT S2 CLIENTS & CUSTOMERS YINSON’S VALUE PROPOSITION • Professional services as an energy solutions provider. • Reliable and high-performance products and services. • Efficient and tailored energy solutions that support clients’ business strategies. STAKEHOLDER IMPORTANCE • Our clients and customers play a central role in our business success. We continuously seek to understand and meet our client and customer expectations to deliver products and services that build brand loyalty in the long run. FREQUENCY AND METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT • Daily: Scheduled reports, Yinson website, social media, and product branding. • Regularly: One-on-one engagements, communication and dialogue. • Monthly: Milestone meetings and updates. • Based on need: Kick-off meetings, continuous engagement, road shows, site visits, industry events and exhibitions, and stakeholder engagement events. KEY AREAS OF CONCERN MS1 MS2 MG3 ME4 ME5 MG1 MG2 OVERVIEW OF YINSON’S RESPONSE • Climate Goals to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050, with strategies and targets outlined in our Climate Goals Roadmap. • Significant effort into measuring and monitoring our performance in terms of carbon accounting and greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions. • Support our stakeholders in meeting their own climate targets. • Our businesses work together to address the energy trilemma to ensure a sustainable future for all. • Robust Biodiversity Policy which drives the implementation of biodiversity projects in all our areas of operation. • Strict adherence to all relevant environmental management standards. • All employees are encouraged to champion ESG projects and operationalise ESG in their daily work. S3 CREW YINSON’S VALUE PROPOSITION • We rely on the crew’s skills and performance for ongoing operations and success of our offshore assets. STAKEHOLDER IMPORTANCE • We rely on the crew’s skills and performance for ongoing operations and success of our offshore assets. FREQUENCY AND METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT • Daily: YNet, on-the-job learning, and communication. • Regularly: Crew activities, training and development programmes, management visits, safety drills, and inspections. • Monthly: Shipboard safety meetings. • Quarterly: Group-wide town halls. KEY AREAS OF CONCERN MG2 MG4 ME2 ME4 MS1 MS3 MS5 OVERVIEW OF YINSON’S RESPONSE • The development and implementation of our business strategies are helmed at Group-level by a strong and experienced MSC. • Each business is led by an Advisory Board and further supported by capable Senior Leadership Teams. • Robust Tax, Treasury and Finance policies, processes and functions supported by experienced personnel and advanced digital platforms globally. • Prudent financial management based on robust policies, processes, and risk management frameworks. • Accountability and transparency on our business performance to all our stakeholders. • Robust Human & Labour Rights (“HLR”) and Diversity, Equality & Inclusion (“DEI”) policies and Group-wide initiatives to ensure we operate in alignment with these policies. Parties who pay us for services and goods rendered. Our client and customer profiles vary due to the differing natures of our businesses as explained in our business model. The personnel who work onboard our FPSOs and OSVs, which include both permanent and contractual workers.