Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

154 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 The Board recognises its responsibilities to each of the Company’s stakeholder groups and to wider society. The Directors endeavour to ascertain the interests and views of our stakeholders and consider these when taking decisions. The Board oversees a governance framework that enables decisions to be taken at the right time in the most appropriate forum. We recognise that it is not always possible to achieve each stakeholder’s preferred outcome and consideration of each stakeholder group depends on the matter at hand. The Board strives to balance the different priorities and interests of our stakeholders in a way compatible with the long-term, sustainable success of the business and which maintains a standard of business conduct aligned to our values and purpose. Most engagement with key stakeholders is carried out by management teams and takes place at business level and the Directors engage directly with stakeholders where possible. Reporting mechanisms are in place to collate feedback and developments from such engagement and enable a flow of this information to the Board and Board Committees, to inform decision making. An overview of business level engagement and outcomes is reported to the Board or appropriate Board Committee on a regular basis. One of the Board’s objectives is to routinely bring external viewpoints into Board discussions, which have included external speakers, training sessions and organisational deep dives led by colleagues from across the business, during the year. The Board has identified the stakeholder groups it considers key and some examples of how the Company has engaged with these groups, together with the outcomes and impacts of engagement on our business and Board decisions, are set out in this section. Yinson’s 10 stakeholder groups and details of our engagement with them are set out in this section. S1 BANKERS & LENDERS YINSON’S VALUE PROPOSITION • Business excellence. • Sustainable financial and growth performance. STAKEHOLDER IMPORTANCE • Bankers and lenders are our main external source of capital to fund projects and other growth initiatives so we can continue to deliver value and services effectively to our stakeholders. FREQUENCY AND METHODS OF ENGAGEMENT • Daily: Yinson website and social media. • Regularly: One-on-one engagement, communication and dialogue. • Based on need: Road shows, site visits, and stakeholder engagement events. KEY AREAS OF CONCERN MG1 MG2 ME1 OVERVIEW OF YINSON’S RESPONSE • Strong culture of compliance integrated at every level in all our business processes. • Extensive compliance programmes and training on topics such as COBE, ABAC, Whistleblowing, Sanctions and many more. • Robust Human & Labour Rights (“HLR”) and Diversity, Equality & Inclusion (“DEI”) policies and Group-wide initiatives to ensure we operate in alignment with these policies. • Developing and implementing a sustainable supply chain as an important part of our Group strategy. • ISO 9001 qualified Vendor Registration Platform (“VRP”), which is integrated with our Supply Chain Policy. • Cross functional collaboration between all departments to enable procurement teams to have a holistic view of the market and industry. C INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS Financial institutions that support our business growth and expansion through financial capital and advisory services. Yinson’s principal bankers and financiers are disclosed in our Corporate Information section.