Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

143 GOVERNANCE | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT GOVERNANCE AT A GLANCE The Board of Directors (“Board”) and Management of Yinson Group are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance, recognising its pivotal role in our business success. Our governance framework aligns with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 (“MCCG 2021”). For the financial year ended 31 January 2024 (“FYE 2024”), we have implemented all recommended practices in MCCG 2021, except Practice 8.2 regarding the disclosure of senior management’s remuneration. For a comprehensive understanding of our corporate governance approach, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report 2024 (“CG Report”) available on our corporate website at www.yinson.com. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Scan to view our CG Report. A BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS OUR GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Role of the Board The Board is entrusted with defining the Group’s purpose, values, and strategy, playing a central role in guiding its operations and shaping its vision. The detailed roles and responsibilities of the Board, along with matters reserved for its decision, are outlined in our Board Charter, and available on our corporate website. Our governance structure, illustrated in the diagram below, ensures that the Group remains focused on its strategic priorities. Shareholders Board of Directors Company Secretary * Yinson Production Advisory Board, Yinson GreenTech Advisory Board and Yinson Renewables Advisory Board. GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE OF THE BOARD, BOARD COMMITTEES AND THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES Audit Committee Management & Sustainability Committee Advisory Boards* Group Chief Executive Officer Board Risk & Sustainability Committee Nominating & Remuneration Committee Board Committees Management Committees A PRINCIPLE Board leadership and effectiveness B PRINCIPLE Effective audit and risk management C PRINCIPLE Integrity in corporate reporting and meaningful relationship with stakeholders Pg 143 - 152 Pg 153 Pg 154 - 159 PRINCIPLES OF MCCG 2021