Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

125 SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW | DRIVING SUSTAINABLE GROWTH THROUGH GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Intellectual Property We continue to uphold our commitment to enhancing our Intellectual Property (“IP”) management as a pivotal asset for our company. Our Group IP Policy governs all IP-related governance matters, reinforcing our commitment to effective IP management across the organisation. Building upon our approach from last year, our ongoing efforts focus on developing a comprehensive Group-wide IP Strategy and Management Plan, comprising: • Initiatives to educate and raise awareness among stakeholders regarding the significance of IP. • Processes for the identification, consolidation and periodic review of both existing and new IPs. • Establishment of a dedicated management team tasked with overseeing all IP-related matters. • Formulation of strategies aimed at valuing and commercialising our IP assets. During FYE 2024, the Group Legal Department, supported by external IP consultants, conducted an IP initiative programme with Yinson GreenTech, the business that is most active in the IP space due to the nature of its business. This programme encompassed: • Conducting IP awareness sessions. • Conducting an IP data audit and discovery process. • Creating an IP data inventory table tailored specifically to Yinson GreenTech. • Developing a commercial strategy to maximise the utilisation of Yinson GreenTech’s IP assets. Personal data protection Yinson remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding personal rights and privacy, as well as adhering to global standards in data protection and security. The past initiatives implemented, such as developing Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCC”) for data transfer, and recruiting a General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) manager, demonstrate ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with data protection laws and regulations. Yinson has successfully completed the implementation of SCCs throughout the Group in the year under review, further enhancing its global data transfer compliance under the GDPR. Additionally, the Privacy team is actively working on implementing a global privacy platform to automate and streamline privacy processes, indicating a continued dedication to improving data protection measures. We are committed to ensuring swift resolution to any privacy or data breaches, in line with our 30 by 30 commitments. We maintained zero unresolved privacy or data breaches in the year under review. Disclosure and stakeholder communication standards Yinson is committed to upholding exemplary corporate governance standards, prioritising clarity, comprehensiveness, and precision in our corporate disclosures and communications. We are guided by our Corporate Disclosure Policy & Procedure which aligns with the mandatory stipulations of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”), complemented by insights from Bursa Securities’ Corporate Disclosure Guide. We have established and continue to nurture communication channels that foster ongoing dialogue and promptly disseminate accurate material information to stakeholders. Communication channels include shareholder meetings, briefings, press releases, our corporate website, corporate emails, and digital platforms. In addition to regulatory disclosures, Yinson maintains its dedication to fostering effective and high-calibre communication channels that facilitate transparent and timely information exchange with its stakeholders. Our efforts in this respect are outlined in our Stakeholder Communication Policy & Procedure. This Report is a key disclosure document which adheres to frameworks, guidelines and standards which are specified in the ‘Basis of this Report’ section.