Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

120 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 DRIVING SUSTAINABLE GROWTH THROUGH GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MG1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & PERFORMANCE Continuously optimising and innovating business processes for financial performance and to safeguard against fluctuating economic conditions and market sentiments. Concerned stakeholders S1 S2 S7 S9 S4 Risks • Low financial returns to shareholders and erosion of market share. • Inability to access capital for business development and project execution. • Inability to react to unexpected business downturns. • Business decisions fail to be assessed holistically. • Loss of stakeholder trust and confidence. Opportunities • Better management practices contribute to superior financial stability and growth, and adaptability to changing external environments. • Innovation in green technologies and sustainable practices can drive positive environmental impact while opening up new market opportunities and revenue streams. • Greater value creation by balancing stakeholder interests and building stakeholder confidence. WHY IS THIS TOPIC MATERIAL TO US? We believe in solid business management to generate strong and sustainable cash flows to fund current operations and fuel future growth. Solid liquidity and solvency management is foundational to our business and must be complemented by proper business planning, risk management and capital allocation to realise Yinson’s short, medium and longterm goals. Our overarching business strategies guide the management of our financial inputs and outputs towards achieving long-term and sustainable cash flows and profitability. Disciplined and diligent cost management provides flexibility and frees up working capital to be channelled into growth opportunities, thereby maximising Yinson’s ability to create shared value for our stakeholders. MANAGEMENT APPROACH Purpose-driven strategies We continue to be transition-focused and purpose-led as a Group, with a foundation that is built on sustainability and an ESG mindset. We believe that incorporating ESG considerations alongside traditional financial factors adds to our holistic understanding of risk and opportunities, leading to long-term value creation. One of our strong fundamentals has been our ability to adapt to the uncertainties of our operating environments. The outcomes that drive us are listed clearly in our Purpose Statement: which is to empower communities, drive economic growth and protect the environment for current and future generations. Under the umbrella of our purpose, we have six overarching businesses strategies, which are operationalised through our business and syngergised with the respective businesses strategies. BUSINESS STRATEGIES Operationalise ESG Forefront of innovation and disruption GS1 GS2 ORGANISATIONAL STRATEGIES Build a platform for growth Empower decision-making GS5 GS6 CAPITAL STRATEGIES Create sustainable shareholder value Tactical financial management GS3 GS4