Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

118 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2024 MS5 DIVERSITY, EQUALITY & INCLUSION Foster an open and all-inclusive work culture for an equitable and diverse workforce. Concerned stakeholders S3 S4 S5 Risks • Lack of buy-in from management and employees, hindering the implementation of DEI initiatives. • Miscommunication or misunderstanding of diverse perspectives can hinder collaboration efforts. • Unchecked biases may persist, affecting decisionmaking and perpetuating inequalities within Yinson. Opportunities • Diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives, fostering innovation and creativity. • Inclusive environments boost employee morale, satisfaction and overall productivity. • Embracing DEI culture attracts a broader talent pool. WHY IS THIS TOPIC MATERIAL TO US? Yinson’s People Strategy is firmly rooted in a dedicated focus on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (“DEI”). This commitment boosts creativity, innovation and employee engagement. Our goal is to foster a culture of belonging, encouraging diverse viewpoints that fuel business success and enable us to better meet the diverse needs of our clients and markets. Our failure to cultivate an inclusive culture may lead to various risks, including discrimination, employee reluctance to collaborate, conflicts among employees, reduced innovation and engagement, missed market opportunities and internal inequalities within Yinson. Moreover, we risk losing the ability to attract and retain top talent, which would impact succession planning and the progress of our organisation. To this end, it is imperative to invest in DEI to drive innovation, enhance engagement and maintain our competitiveness in the market. MANAGEMENT APPROACH Our approach to DEI is anchored in our Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Policy and Procedure, which protects the human rights of our workforce, complies with international DEI standards, mitigates risks for our people and business and aligns with our Human & Labour Rights Policy. We strongly believe that diversity is integral to value creation, driven by the diverse skills and backgrounds of Yinsonites. We welcome and embrace employees’ differences including but not limited to age, race, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender, language, national origin, physical and/or mental ability, religion, status, and other characteristics that make our people unique. As a global organisation, DEI underpins and informs our approach to our People Strategy and employee experience. Our DEI efforts encompass various aspects of our operations, including recruitment, compensation, benefits, professional development, training and promotions, among others. As our employees are our most valued assets, we strive to enhance diversity by cultivating an open and inclusive workplace for all based on our DEI framework which encourages and enforces the following: • Respectful communication and collaboration among all employees. • Teamwork and employee participation from all groups encourage diverse perspectives. • Work-life balance through flexible schedules to meet employees’ needs. • Employer and employee contributions to the communities we serve to promote diversity. Driving DEI across the Group During the year we implemented the following initiatives to drive DEI among employees: • Yinson Employee Resource Group, Yinson Lean-In Circle: A platform for women to gather in small groups, regardless of their roles or positions, to network, share experiences and drive peer collaboration, mentorship and leadership development. The circle also welcomes male allies to join in debates and discussions. • DEI learnings on LMS: Courses were made available on Learn@Yinson on topics such as ‘Fight Gender Bias at Work,’ ‘The Path to Inclusion and Belonging’ and ‘Strategies for Female Empowerment.’ • DEI Development Teams: Yinson sent eight employees to the 2023 One Young World Summit in Belfast, promoting positive social impacts and DEI. Upon their return, the 2023 ambassadors initiated two projects approved by the MSC – a Women Mentorship Programme and an Employee Resource Group on Health and Well-being. • DEI leadership video: Yinson introduced a leadership video, ‘Diversity is our Strength’, to demonstrate leadership commitment to DEI, reinforcing its importance in the company. Scan to view the video, ‘Diversity is our strength’.