Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

117 SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW | EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES Yinson4Youth ABOUT OUR Y4Y GRANT BENEFICIARIES Mangrove Nursery Project by Belia Prihatin The grant is being used to set up a mangrove nursery at Mangrove Point, Klang. The nursery forms part of ‘We-Be-Leaf Together, Belia Prihatin’s ongoing nationwide mangrove conservation campaign that started in 2022. Aside from nurturing mangrove seedlings, the nursery will serve as a centralised hub for mangrove conservation, facilitating scientific research, and increasing community awareness. Projek Sentosa: Santuni Kesihatan Orang Asli by NYAWA The funding will be used to conduct much-needed research into the unique experiences of the Orang Asli youth and their understanding of mental health, as well as the development of a pilot intervention programme. The research and pilot intervention will take place in an identified Orang Asli village in Peninsular Malaysia, expected to benefit around 150 individuals. Yinson Girls Education Programme We launched the Yinson Girls Education Programme in collaboration with the Ahanta West Education Directorate. This initiative aims to improve Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (“STEM”) studies among female students and reduce poor academic performance caused by Period Poverty. The programme reaches approximately 750 female students from the upper primary to junior high levels in the Ahanta West Municipality. We also collaborated with Ghana Education Service (GES) and the Youth Bridge Foundation to organise a five-day STEM clinic in the Ahanta West. Over 500 girls from 70 schools participated in the STEM clinic, experiencing their first-ever science experiments. Scan to read more about our CSR initiatives. Yinson Scholars Programme We expanded the Yinson Scholars Programme this financial year, with the number of scholarships awarded to Senior High school students growing from 20 to 25, and doubling for tertiary students from five to 10. Since being launched in 2019, we have awarded scholarships to 80 students under this programme. Scholarships are awarded to students from low-income households within the Ahanta West communities to cover tuition fees, accommodation and stipends for the entirety of the recipients’ studies. Yinson Annual Reading and Spelling Bee Competition We collaborate with the Ahanta West Directorate of Education to organise an annual reading and spelling bee. The event involves students from various educational circuits in the Municipality, spanning kindergarten to Junior High School (JHS) levels. During the event, Yinson provides generous book prizes for the winners and participants, as well as book donations to the local libraries. In line with our commitment to empowering youth to achieve their dreams for a more sustainable future, we launched Yinson4Youth (“Y4Y”) in 2023, our flagship CSR initiative that aims to empower youth to pursue their aspirations for a sustainable and resilient future. Through Y4Y, we introduced the Y4Y Grant, which supports youth-led projects that align with our sustainability priorities and strive for significant social and environmental benefits. We believe that young people, with their creativity and energetic approach, are crucial for achieving sustainable and lasting improvements. We congratulate Belia Prihatin and Mental Health Aid Association (NYAWA) for being the first recipients of the Y4Y grants this year. The recipients received RM50,000 each as well as mentorship sessions with Yinson leaders to support their projects.